Thursday, November 16, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-16

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. Timeline for withdrawal = timeline for defeat...

    Lemme lay it out for you all simple-like and barney-style:

    Setting a timeline for withdrawl from Iraq simply lets the insurgents know how much longer they have to hold out!...

  2. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are Regan Books and the Fox television network....

  3. My Pledge to Liberals...

    Bruce's friend Murray of Hitting Metal with a Hammer pointed us to this article, which dissects the Liberal Pledge email that is making the rounds and that is now displayed prominently on Michael Moore's web site as well. It's possible......

  4. How about some media bias today?...

    No "views" is not a strong enough word, she literally embodies the extreme left. In the house she literally could not have possibly voted a more liberal line. And yet she is not referred to as extreme in any way. Meanwhile back in 1994 when the Chris...

  5. Speaking of Pelosi...

    Pelosi has talked a good bit about needing bi-partisanship from the White House and Republicans in the senate. However what she really means is: "you better let me have my way!!"....

  6. What's wrong with the immigration debate....

    I think that a lot of writing on the topic of immigration fails to make the distinction between legal immigration and illegal immigration. That leaves a lot of people that read about it with the impression that conservatives are against all immigrati.....

  7. Scrapping NSA: D- Senators Dupe U.S....

    Many, assessed to have trained with al-Qaeda and associated groups, remain free in the Int'l community because (among other reasons) relevant laws did not come into force until July 2002......

  8. [...] Meanwhile, the the Europeans seem to have stuck first in the coming trade wars, perhaps wanting to catch the Democrats wrong-footed. When I read that, I thought “the Captain” (Mr. Morrisey) was being overblown at first, until I read about the EU’s proposed accounting regimen. Hat tip Basil. [...]

  9. Sony PS3 US Launch Day - Over $3,000 on eBay...

    Last night I waited in line in the soaking rain with about 800 other hopefuls in Union Square at Circuit City Store 3679 in New York City for one chance to win a Playstation 3 out of 100 up for grabs. The first 100 in line were guaranteed to receive .....


    President Bush and Rumsfeld are sitting in a bar.
    A guy walks in and asks the barman, "Isn't that Bush and Rumsfeld sitting over there?"
    The bartender says, "Yep, that's them."
    So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor! . Wha...

  11. Israel to Destroy the Power of Arab Oil...

    Israel has come up with something that will sap the economic strength from the Arab countries and others with huge oil reserves, while improving the economies of the rest of the world. Every dollar we pay for Arab oil goes into Islamic schools to tea.....


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