Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-15

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. WTW: Surrender In Iraq Is The Right Thing To Do...

    And a good redneck morning to all. Prophet Sallami Sallami Mohammed here to let you know that all you neocons out there really need to listen to those wonderful Democrats.
    Video: More Surrender Monkey
    See? Leaving Iraq before the mission is done would...

  2. Where do we go from here?...

    So where do we go from here? Well we do not "play nice" with the Democrats, they were all about claiming that Bush had no mandate when he got %51 of the vote in the last Presidential election, they certainly do not have a liberal mandate now that the...

  3. Is Trenton Duckett alive?...

    From the Orlando Sentinel-

    The Marion County Sheriff's Office announced Tuesday it will launch its own investigation into the disappearance of toddler Trenton Duckett, this time "the focus being that little Trenton is alive."...

  4. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Gibbs High School teacher Sharion Thurman....

  5. Immigrant Organizations Denounce New Citizenship T...

    If the citizenship test is hard, that's the price that immigrants must pay to become citizens of our country. If "many Americans" can't pass the same test, it's an indictment of our public schools, not an indication that it's "too hard"....

  6. Majoring in blogging...

    I blogged my opinion of majors in high school in this earlier post. TFM's opinion hasn't changed, its still a dumb idea.

    Here's the list of majors available. I checked, blogging isn't on the list. Teaching teenagers how to do sarcastic commentar...

  7. What Part of Jihad is Rhetorical?...

    Moderates suffer from identity-based conflicts, yet look to the "non-Muslim west" as the resolution to their crisis... VIDEO (you will faint!)...


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