Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-22

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. No Sex Tape, Britney No Longer News...

    Britney Spears when she was news.

    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - There is no “sex tape” involving pop star Britney Spears and estranged husband Kevin Federline, his lawyer said on Tuesday.After Spears filed for divorce from the fledgling ra...

  2. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Uwe Gerhard Lorenz....

  3. China building up anti-U.S. arsenal...

    Communist China is not really our friend. This should serve as a clear reminder of that fact. We need to make sure that our navy is ready for the threat, because the Red Chinese are certainly going to be ready for us....

  4. Director Altman: Forever With Us...

    Personal Notes, and a film clip......

  5. Fallout From Gemayel's Assassination...

    The problem is that the March 14 group is under assault from Syria and Hizbullah, which don't bother with politics when assassination, violence, and intimidation work more efficiently. Protest babes don't stand much of a chance if the leaders of the ...

  6. Zamboni Races...

    Some news from Idaho. Not all the nuts live in Florida.

    Two employees have been fired from the city of Boise's ice skating rink after making a midnight fast-food run — in a pair of Zambonis — earlier this month....


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