Thursday, November 9, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-09

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. [...] "I blame Bush," was heard again and again from laid-off staff members. Unrelated: Basil's Blog Posted by Bachman Filed in News [...]

  2. [...] Scott Ott, as usual, flays the false choices many would prefer to believe are those that really face us, and illustrates the potential downside to pre-emptive personnel capitulation. Planck’s Constant (hat tip Basil)may be bitter, but he’s on target. Were Marx right about economic or security stress driving such political changes, last night would not have happened. [...]

  3. It is almost award time...

    And of course TFM will once again play host to the Knucklehead of the year awards. Click here if you need a reminder of how it was done in 2005. TFM is the only place where Harvard University and some men trying to screw a filly compete together....

  4. Drumbeats...

    Liz Holzman is just one voice out there. I wouldn't put too much weight into what she says but rather wait and see if currently elected Democratic officials begin to form a chorus...

  5. I appreciate the link.
    Personally I think the Rumsfeld move is perfect. So now what can the Democrats do? They have one less target. Now they have to make a conciliatory offer or be seen as sore winners.

    I'm not worried though. If everything goes to the shitter in the next two years, everyone will blame the Dems. If everything is nearly fantastic, as it is now, the American people will show no gratitude and oust them just as ungraciously as they ousted the Republicans Tuesday.

  6. 1796: the "peace treaty" with Islam that now needs...

    Daniel Pipes finds startling news of a document written back in the early days of the US, that could give some clues about why the US has never engaged in a serious war with Islamofascism. This is important news, because in order to build the future,.....

  7. Justice Prevails for Heirs of Gustav Mahler...

    "Not only my story, but my grandmother's story, the world's story and a story about the horror of the last World War," Marina Mahler....

  8. Why prolong defeat?...

    Specifying a withdrawal timetable that does not require victory means that setting such a timetable makes victory an unattainable goal; if victory is unattainable, then staying for a year simply subjects our armed forces to unnecessary death.


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