Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-08

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Michael Young of Allentown Florida....

  2. Florida the rules are different here Chapter LX...

    Three Belle Glade City Commissioners have voted to hire an outside lawyer at $325 an hour to fight the recall of two of the same Commissioners. Isn't that just lovely! If Garrett and Sanchez want to contest the recall, they should have to pay for the....

  3. Landslide Victory for (R) Schwarzenegger...

    Arnie's opponent (D-lawyer) fully backed by several major media outlets; serves to show that even the State's leading newspapers couldn't beat the Terminator. (Decidedly one of the better electoral victories of the day for GOP.)...

  4. Donald Rumsfeld out, Robert Gates in...

    Will Gates be an improvement? He was a career CIA officer who rose from the bottom to director. Gates also served on the NSC in the Carter administration. He also wrote a very dry book about his career . Those superficial clues would tend to say Gate.....

  5. [...] That’s the way I see it anyways! This and this are how Maxed out Mama sees things. And there’s The Public Eye, via Basil. African American Political Pundit linked with [...] African American Political Pundit says: I guess Republicans are not having a great day today, take for example the good folks at Pros and Cons are writing about African merican Republican losers, including big loser, Ken Blackwell. I guess they are licking wounds and running into the cave to re-group Pros and cons writes, “As an interesting side note the four serious, very good, black contenders all had a bad night. Here's the lone Democrat, who was brought down by an ad that detractors say was racist because of "jungle drums", though all I ever heard was amusingly bad '80s music a la the British invasion. I might blog later on Lynn Swann and Ken Blackwell, but their states got swamped in a Blue wave, and they were beyond hope this year. This is the one that really hurts. In an election this close, I strongly suspect his fate was sealed by black independents surfing the national blue wave because of foreign policy concerns, or Senator Allen's inept dyslexic mangling of Mowhawk to macaca, which used to be a racial insult among some Spaniards in Africa. No doubt Steele's loss will somehow reinforce to these moderates how hostile the GOP is to blacks. Bummer.” Read More [...] [...]

  6. Kos the Kingmaker...

    Lieberman is now the real tie-breaker, the most powerful member of the United States Senate, and largely thanks to the Kos Kidz support for Ned Lamont in the primary....


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