Monday, November 13, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-13

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Bay County Judge Michael Hauversburk....

  2. Too gimmicky...

    The LPGA's ADT Championship begins this Thursday in West Palm Beach. Like in past years, TFM will be in attendance.

    Palm Beach Post golf writer Craig Dolch had an excellent article in yesterday's paper on the tournament's new format.


  3. Pelosi Endorses Murtha, Majority Leader Post To Be Renamed Majority Retreater...

    WASHINGTON (Washington Post) - House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) endorsed Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) yesterday as the next House majority leader, thereby stepping into a contentious intra-party fight between Murtha and her current deputy, Ma...

  4. The New Senate...

    Read 'em weep
    Appropriations - West Virginia's Robert Byrd (This is why there should be term limits)......

  5. U.S. Admiral Backing Red China?...

    Despite the fact that they are probably the most powerful of all communist states, and that they continue to act as our adversary at the United Nations Adm. Fallon wants to help them build up their military....

  6. Florida the rules are different here Chapter LXII...

    The town of Palm Coast wants to seize some property via eminent domain. What will the town use it for? How about a public golf course. Don't you just love Florida?...

  7. [...] I get e-mails from leftists abd Buchananites about the fracturing of the GOP coalition. Well, letting the tax cuts expire won’t exactly hurt our unity, nor will blocking judges, nor will stuff like this as reported by gun Totin’ Liberal. (Hat tip Basil.) Now I know Bush will share some blame for the border issue, but the rank and file already knew that, so it won’t hurt the party so much, and Bush’s stance will likely soften the hard edges for Hispanics and such. meanwhile, blue collar and conservative Dems, and many independents, will likely notice. [...]

  8. [...] ***** Our good ole’ buddy and fellow ‘Bama blogger Basil has linked to this post with Blogrolling 2006-11-13 (a great blogger roundup there) Technorati Tags:  Borders, Bush, Current Events, Democrats, Immigration, immigration reform, News, News and Politics, Politics, Rants, Republicans [...]

  9. [...] Unrelated: Jo’s Cafe, The Bullwinkle Blog, bRight & Early, Basil’s Blog Posted by Bachman Filed in News [...]


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