Monday, November 27, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-27

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. Thanks, basil, for the shout out! You're the best!

  2. U.S. Involved in Iraq Longer Than WWII, Hitler Blames Republicans, Jews...

    Former German Chancellor Adolph Hitler (right) listens as his attorney, Johnny Cochran, blames Republicans and Jews for his defeat.

    HADES (AP) - The war in Iraq has now lasted longer than the U.S. involvement in the war that President Bush&#8217...

  3. Male Birth Control...

    Not that TFM opposes use of contraceptives. Its a decision a man or a woman should make without outside interference....

  4. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are The Port of Palm Beach and its director Lori Baer. They get the award for the following....

  5. Batteries For the Troops...

    A courageous 13 year-old's dream lives on: Liz Lulu the Founder......

  6. Changing of the Guards?...

    Another Revolutionary Guard plane crash in Tehran kills 39 Prominent Guards. The Regime prefers to appoint "hundreds of chiefs" rather than a 'handful of recognized Guards'; to discourage the threat of individualism....


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