Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-21

Yes, Blogrolling appears to be having problems today. Still, I managed to get a quick view. Long enough to find a few items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. [...] ***** Basil has linked to this post with Blogrolling 2006-11-21 Technorati Tags:  Christians, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Current Events, Gay Marriage, Gay Rights, Headline News, Headlines, Mormons, Muslims, News, News and Politics, Plural Marriage, Politics, Polygamists, Polygamy, Quakers, Religion, Separation of Church and State, Utah [...]

  2. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are the Palm Beach County Convention and Visitors Bureau and its CEO Warren "Mac" McLaughlin....

  3. Our new Senator in VA is stupid.......

    People like Jim Webb are arrogant in the extreme, they don't care about letting you get the best reward for your work. They think they know what's best for you, even more than you do. And thus want to make you as dependant as possible on the governme...

  4. Allies, Interference... Impasse?...

    "Not what they say... But what they do." US remains the strongest and most important ally of the Shia... (So far)...

  5. Suicide by decapitation...

    I'm not joking. From the Pensacola News Journal-

    A man's decapitated body was found Tuesday night near the railroad tracks in downtown Pensacola, according to a Pensacola police report....

  6. Charles Rangel Wants to Reinstitute the Draft...

    During the 2004 presidential election, John Kerry and many of his Democratic colleagues perpetually implied that if reelected, President Bush would re-institute the draft. Despite continually accusing Republicans of fear-mongering, Senator Kerry......

  7. 11/21/06: Makings...

    When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. When life hands you journalists, make tracks.......


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