Saturday, November 11, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-11-11

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. Honoring A Veteran...

    Today I want to honor a single veteran: my son Stephen.


  2. A Soldier's Cry...

    ..there is no way to soften such a morale blow.

    Please let me try, Aaron. There are many of us, here in America, who believe you, soldier. A victory, in politics, built on a genuine lie, cannot be sustained....

  3. Robert Gates is a bad choice for defense secretary...

    Caroline Glick points out that Robert Gates, Dubya's choice for defense secretary, is a bad choice...

  4. V. Day-2006: America under their Wings...

    Through your exertions and protective wings, our Liberties are kept new; and light of Democracy continues to Shine...We honor you, today....

  5. Carnival of Blue Stars #20...

    Welcome to the 20th Carnival of Blue Stars. Our military men and women are our best and brightest! Their accomplishments are the pride of our country.

    The Carnival of Blue Stars gives us, the families, friends, supporters, veterans and current ser.....

  6. Tampering...

    From the Palm Beach Post-

    A rookie deputy went to a bar in uniform while he was on duty to convince a 20-year-old sexual assault victim to stop pursuing the case against her alleged attacker, sheriff's office spokesman Paul Miller said....

  7. Airman's Family Needs Help...

    A terrible event has struck a family of one of our nation's Airmen. An Airman First Class from my unit has an eleven year old brother who was severely injured when he was hit by a garbage truck. The eleven......

  8. As we all are intitled to our own opinions, I think you should remember that none of us were there much less know what was really said. This is a case of he said/ she said. maybe we should start standing behind our fellow men and women in law enforcement for once! And does'nt it go something like this: innocent until "proven" guilty?! This is a BS charge!


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