Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Headline News: 10/5/2005

From ABC News:
Python Bursts After Trying to Eat Gator
Mr. Creosote skit re-filmed

From ABC News:
Families End Up With Porn DVD by Mistake
Dad sticking to that story

From ABC News:
Some Call Flying Fish Just Plain Pork
Funding to be removed from budget when pigs fly

From ABC News:
DeLay Indictment a Political Ploy?
Karl Rove is a genius

From ABC News:
Brazil Seeks to Punish U.S. for Subsidies
Tells U.S. "Just you wait until your father gets home"

From ABC News:
Woman Turns Weekend Passion Into Profit
Prostitution pays

From ABC News:
Forecasters: Another Hurricane Could Hit
Scientists: Sun may rise in morning

From ABC News:
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Expecting
No announcement on who the father is

From CNN:
Researchers reconstruct 1918 killer flu virus
Plans to clone dinosaurs, reanimate Hitler on hold

From ABC News:
Bush says Iraqi troops playing bigger role
American troops ready for Iraqis to stop playing and get serious


  1. Python Bursts After Trying to Eat Gator

    The alligator has some foreign competition at the top of the Everglades food chain, and the results

  2. Wednesday

    Basil's Blog: Headline News The RIght Place: All Apologies... Top One List: Top One Wish for NBC's "Three Wishes"...

  3. Poor Tom Cruise--he gets no respect! Didn't people used to get married THEN have kids??

  4. > Didn't people used to get married THEN have kids??

    You're thinking of people on Earth. Not Tom Cruise.

  5. Wednesday

    Basil's Blog: Headline News The Right Place: All Apologies... Top One List: Top One Wish for NBC's "Three Wishes"...

  6. Silly me! I understand if you're in Scientology you're not suppose to scream during your drug-free delivery! Right!


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