Friday, July 15, 2005

Breakfast: 7/15/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. I tried to stay quiet

    I really did. I still think that “Everything that needs to be said about the Rove/Plame Story” is one of the best posts I’ve written. But it’s all I’m seeing and hearing everywhere - on radio, television, and online. To h...

  2. Republican Charms NAACP

    The Republicans gain praise from an unlikely source - Democrat stratagist, Donna Brazille. And no wonder. They have managed to do the unthinkable, which is to charm the NAACP.

  3. Rove, Plame, Wilson, curiouser and curiouser

    WILSON: My wife was not a clandestine officer the day that Bob Novak blew her identity.

  4. London bombing mastermind detained in Egypt (UPDATED)

    Here is a post with open source information on ElNashar. I see this AM that Magdy el-Nashar has been caught in Egypt. It is believed he is the mastermind behind the london bombings. Way to go Egypt hand him over....

  5. London bombing mastermind detained in Egypt (UPDATED)

    Here is a post with open source information on ElNashar. I see this AM that Magdy el-Nashar has been caught in Egypt. It is believed he is the mastermind behind the london bombings. Way to go Egypt hand him over....


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