Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Breakfast: 7/20/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Co-Shah of Haberdashers

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It is totally Wednesday.

  2. Roberts Round Up

    Following the President’s prime-time announcement of John Roberts as the nominee to replace Sandra Day O’Conner as an associate justice on the Supreme Court analysis, information, and reaction are begining to surface.
    James Joyner writing...

  3. A Funny Bar Joke

    A member of the MSM (Main Stream Media) staggers into a Washington pub and sits down next to Superboy Joseph Wilson who has a dog lying at his feet.
    'Does your dog bite?' asks the blow-dried MSM person.
    'No' replies Superboy Joe Wilson.
    A few minu...

  4. I'm trying to start a new trent: Deep South Phonetic Posting.

    I'm not sure it'll catch on.


  5. Over-Analysis of Supreme Court Nominees

    Let me just interject something here, before we all decide whether his views will result in his being confirmed or not...this all doesn't matter. All that matters is that George W. Bush nominated him, and therefore he will be in for a terrible beatin...

  6. Breakfast To Go

    Basil's Blog is serving up breakfast this ayem with a few neat links.

  7. Breakfast To Go

    Basil's Blog is serving up breakfast this ayem with a few neat links.


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