Friday, July 29, 2005

Supper: 7/29/2005

Try one of these specials with your supper:


  1. Blurry Line Between Officers and NCO's

    The Army is trying to fight 21st-century wars with a caste system that was developed in the 18th century. We are justly proud of our NCO Corps. One reason is because you guys accomplish tasks light years beyond what commissioned officers did even jus...

  2. E-Mail Management

    Here is a possible technical fix for bloggers trying to manage their e-mail, especially those that receive more mail than they can (want to) answer.

    Your suggestions and ideas are welcome.

  3. Think about this - UPDATED (again) - Michael Graham & Islam

    If the Boy Scouts of America had 1,000 scout troops, and 10 of them practiced suicide bombings, then the BSA would be considered a terrorist organization. If the BSA refused to kick out those 10 troops, that would make the case even stronger. If people...

  4. Liberty Call

    Photo: PHAN Knoell OPEN POST: Off-topic comments and trackbacks are welcome.Other link-fests at The Jawa Report, OTB, Mudville, and Basil's....

  5. Liberty Call

    Photo: PHAN Knoell OPEN POST: Off-topic comments and trackbacks are welcome.Other link-fests at The Jawa Report, OTB, Mudville, and Basil's....

  6. Kill Bush and leftist pro-assassins

    If this picture has your attention, this is the kind of stuff the leftists are putting up about Bush at their websites. They are directly promoting violence towards Bush. The amazing thing is...for WHAT? Bush isn't a dictator. Bush was EL...

  7. Liberty Call

    OPEN POST: Off-topic comments and trackbacks are welcome.Other link-fests at OTB, Mudville, and Basil's....


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