Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Lunch: 10/12/2005

Try one of these specials with your lunch:


  1. Nobel Peace Prize as Political Comedy

    Much has been written regarding the Nobel Peace Prize Joke awarded to Mohammed ElBaradei and his fellow Keystone Cops at the IAEA (which I always read as "IKEA" — which, in turn, makes me suddenly crave lingonberries).


  2. The Knucklehead of the Day award

    Goes to Republican Indiana State Representative Patricia Miller.

  3. Best Capitol Award

    The condom has been pulled off the West Virginia State Capitol and the $5 million project est fin. Magnifique! Eat your heart out, Mr. Snitch. Linked to: Basil's Blog

  4. I Reckon I Be Flabbergasted

    Hey, y'all, Jebediah here. FIrst off, a great Duh moment: Couch potatoes may quickly accumulate a type of deep abdominal fat that contributes to diabetes and other metabolic problems -- but regular exercise can prevent or even reverse the

  5. Do YOU want free internet?

    Huntsville internet Mapping.

  6. DDG-67

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... and remember the USS Cole

  7. DDG-67

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... and remember the USS Cole

  8. Is Bush Really to Blame for Miers Nomination?

    Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family talked publically yesterday on his radio show about what he knew of Harriet Miers per a phone conversation with Karl Rove...

  9. Is Bush Really to Blame for Miers Nomination?

    Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family talked publically yesterday on his radio show about what he knew of Harriet Miers per a phone conversation with Karl Rove. Many Democrats speculated that Rove had divulged how Miers would vote...

  10. 100,000 back bill to curb ACLU

    Hat tip NIF for pointing me to WND
    O.K. Folks, weve got 18,000 signatures on our petition to stop taxpayer funding of the ACLU in support of Hostettlers Freedom of Expression Bill. Looks like a larger organization has beaten us to the ...

  11. Bush Opens Up Michael Moore's Strategic Oil Reserves

    Faced with flagging poll numbers in general and a divided base over his Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers in particular, President Bush announced early this morning that he intends to open up the strategic oil reserves located in the

  12. Good Versus Blind Faith

    Josh Marshall, in a recent Talking Points Memo, reveals the revisionist history that underlies both \tilt and Nobel sensibilities.

  13. Feisty _gets_ White Trashy?

    man, she LIVES there!


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