Friday, June 9, 2006

Headline News 2006-06-09

From ABC News:
NASA Says Shuttle "Ready to Fly"
Not so sure about reentry, landing

From ABC News:
Ahmadinejad Suggests Tehran Has Upper Hand
One nuke tied to a camel more powerful than multi-tipped missles

Fromo ABC News:
Dixie Chicks Concert Sales Lacking
Group doesn't understand why Bush-loving country music fans won't pay money to see singers bash Bush

From ABC News:
Al-Zarqawi Legacy is Alive and Kicking
Legacy not expected to behead Americans

From ABC News:
Deputy Fired for Allegedly Going Topless
Barney appeals to Andy, "It was just a joke"

From ABC News:
Military Officer Would Chose Jail Over Iraq
May get wish

From ABC News:
Zarqawi Followers Vow to Obey Successor
Howard Dean still mulling over candidates for job

From ABC News:
Buffett Auctions Lunch on eBay
Only eaten once

From ABC News:
Woman Finds Live Frog in Burger King Salad
Miss Piggy arrested

From ABC News:
Fighting the Frog Crisis in Panama
Burger King salads place heavy demand

1 comment:

  1. Friday's...

    Vox Poplar: The Rumours of My Death Have Been Pretty Accurate Basil's Blog: Headline News My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy: Robot Kitten Scrappleface: Democrats Vow to Fight On After Zarqawi Loss......


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