Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday / Open TrackBacks

This weekend's schedule means no Picnic today. But if you have an interesting post that you'd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun. If you need help with TrackBacks, Harvey of Bad Example has an excellent primer here, or check out my post about TrackBacks here. If your blog can't generate TrackBacks, use either the form here or here.


  1. “Fire up the omnibus, Ma. We’re headed fer the hills!”...

    A mini-sorta-roundup of disparate but related bits n pieces from 'round n about...


  2. MySpace.Com's services should be boycotted and avo...

    This is the opinion I've reached after reading the latest news on the Michigan teenager named Katherine Lester who tried to run away to Jericho to meet a total stranger of a Muslim (ditto his mother) and marry him....

  3. A sick editorial from the Palm Beach Post...

    The timing was an insult to any parent who lost a child but fathers especially.

    This editorial is proof that the Post editorial is a group of sick minds who if Cox Communications had any conscience would on reading this fire them every single one .....

  4. Some European Union Histoire...

    Yesterday, I contrasted Mississippi’s way of making economic decisions with, among others, the European Union’s. Mississippi’s way is more enlightened. Then, last night, I saw he end of Les Rouge Panther, starring Steve Martin (my wi...

  5. Together Forward! - Update...

    Omar’s latest post at Iraq the Model has some good analysis:
    I was afraid that this would happen but I was also hoping it would not...unfortunately yet not surprisingly it did.
    I think the problem with the new security operation is that the tac...

  6. NPR on Tehrangeles and Afghanistan...

    After California’s Armenians (think governor Dukmejian), California’s Afghans (think Zalmay Khalilzad) are some of the most neo-conish voters who haven’t decided to leave for more business friendly climes. Here’s an NPR story o...

  7. A Problem with the Democrat New Direction...

    SPECIAL ALERT The Democratic Party's New Direction for America is missing. The NDA is slightly under 200 words long and approximately three days old. It was last seen in the company of Don Surber, although sources close to the NDA's......


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