Thursday, April 14, 2005

Headline News: 4/14/2005

From ABC News:
Low-Cost Windows Launched in Brazil
Senate Democrats call for Windows Prescription Card Benefits program

From ABC News:
Thailand to Host World Toilet Summit
Outbid Flushing, New York for the honor

From ABC News:
New Cookies Let Dogs Share With Owners
Ideal companion for new toilet that allows both pets and owners both to drink from

From ABC News:
Nevada Brothels Literally Ask to Be Taxed
To be considered an "income tax" ... or something like that

From ABC News:
Teen Accused of Killing Friend With Bat
Unclear why his friend has his bat

From ABC News:
Eric Rudolph Reveals Motives for Bombings
Admits he's a murdering prick

From ABC News:
Ordinary Iranians Soften Toward U.S.
Dulcalax credited

From CNN:
Poor song pick dooms 'Idol' contestant
World not ready for a remake of 'Jimmy Crack Corn'

From CNN:
Student claims he was suspended for wearing makeup
Worried it will hurt his chance to enroll in Clown College

From CNN:
Museum brings Abraham Lincoln to life
Still unsure how to handle that gaping hole in his head


  1. Thursday

    Conservative UAW Guy: Lunch Musings: Tax Refunds Not so Daily Me: Antiques and Wasps Nose on Your Face: New Carnival Regulations Proposed Basil's Blog: Headline News Michael the Archangle: Hidden System Properties Alliance of Free Blogs: Al Gore's Cab...

  2. You had me laughing until Lincoln. Ouch.


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