Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Breakfast: 10/5/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Roy Moore For Governor of Alabama

    It is time that the American people awake to the true meaning of separation of church and state and our unique relationship to God as a Nation, explains Moore. No longer can we afford to sit quietly by while the A.C.L.U. and other...

  2. Charles Murray, The Inequality Taboo and The Armed Forces

    Recently, Commentary magazine featured a piece (subscription only) by Charles Murray with a thesis that women and men are different from each other. But to talk about differences is now taboo. The differences between men and women are in...

  3. Irans Nuclear Program Militarized?

    If the intelligence is reliable, it had better give the U.S. more than enough reason to pressure Tehran further on verifiable compliance with international nuclear nonproliferation treaties. With the Islamofascist tide gushing forth form Iran, the tim...

  4. A return to and for Harding Park

    The article below tells some about Harding Park's remarkable rejuvenation. I hope the course soon gets to play permanent host to a PGA tour event.

  5. 9th Circuit Court Sets Feminism Back 20 Years

    The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in Californica has passed down a ?landmark? ruling, in which it has apparently determined that, ?Screaming and yelling by men at work may now be sex-based discrimination if women at work find the behavior more intimid...

  6. African-American Republican wins election in Snellville Georgia

    Last Tuesday (September 27th) the voters of Georgia House District 106 elected Melvin Everson in a Special Election Runoff. The results were extremely close with a final margin of only 27 votes (final results here).
    In the interest of full disclosur...

  7. Charles Murray, The Inequality Taboo and The Armed Forces

    Recently, Commentary magazine featured a piece (subscription only) by Charles Murray with a thesis that women and men are different from each other. But to talk about differences is now taboo. The differences between men and women are in...

  8. Assisted Suicide Case Will Have Nationwide Impact

    Should doctors in Oregon be allowed to use controlled substances to terminate life? Newly installed Chief Justice John Roberts will hear his first major case, which will determine whether states may opt out of federal laws.

  9. Urgent Please Read

    An article in The Washington Times says that some officials of the Department of Homeland Security are taking bribes for Green Cards. Some DHS employees are under the influence of foreign governments. Many don't check new immigrants against terrorist...

  10. Flurry OLinks

    Rachel of Tinkerty Tonk has the Tower of Babel up. No wonder the rest of the world doesnt understand us Learn English!
    Pam of BlogMeister USA has started handing out free korans. Get your burka here.
    Caption This! has, as always, a gre...


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