Monday, October 3, 2005

Headline News: 10/3/2005

From ABC News:
Investigation Brewing Over Jailhouse Yeast
Martha Stewart tries Monistat 7

From ABC News:
US says Egypt vows to treat Guantanamo inmate well
Or throw him in a well. The translation was unclear.

From ABC News:
Clooney Proudly Wears 'Liberal' Label
You can't spell 'Clooney' without 'looney'

From ABC News:
George Clooney takes on Joe McCarthy in new movie
Dead Senator not expected to fight back

From ABC News:
Ousted Ala. Justice to Run for Governor
Aims to be first man thrown out of leadership of two branches of state government

From CNN:
Tour boat in fatal sinking raised from lake bed
Benny Hinn helps recovery efforts

From CNN:
Bush's Supreme Court nominee not a judge
Not stopping anyone from judging her

From CNN:
Ex-president's ally tried for genocide
Will keep trying until he gets it right

From CNN:
Parish chief demands FEMA apology
FEMA sorry the parish government and the state government are incompetent

From KGTV:
Mountain lions spotted in park
Spray-painting vandals blamed


  1. Clooney/looney and Benny Hinn both LOL funny!

  2. Extra weight may be factor in fatal boat crash

    Just days before a tour boat capsized in the Adirondack Mountains, killing 20 elderly people, the Co


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