Monday, April 4, 2005

On A Diet?

No, but I'm cutting back on the number of links on the meal-time posts. Try to understand. There's a lot of good stuff out there, but I need to cut back. And I'd like your help.

Here's the problem, and what I'm asking:

Why the MealTime posts, anyway?

I do these meal-time links for a few reasons. One is that I read something that I like and want to share it. Another is I read something I don't like and want to make you aware of it.

Sometimes, it's stuff that's funny. Sometimes, it's stuff that makes you think. Sometimes, it might be something that makes you mad. Whatever the reason, something clicked when I read it and I felt like sharing.

Selecting the MealTime post entries

I usually pull these entries from my BlogRolls. There are currently 92 blogs on the roll that link to this little blog. 56 of them have me on public BlogRolls, while the rest are either private BlogRolls, use another service, or are manually created. There are 77 other sites I found reason to add to my BlogRoll. That's 169 blogs on my rolls.

I am now to the point where I cannot visit them all every day ... and work ... and eat ... and sleep. And I've been at that point for a little while now. Maybe I need to clean up. But I'm not ready to de-link anybody.

Also, the meal-time posts were getting longer and longer. I could almost put up a BlogRoll there. So, I'm purposely limiting the number of links. And somebody's getting left off that I don't want to leave off.

So here's what I want from you:

Don't be upset if I don't list you on the meal-time posts. Maybe I didn't get to you. Maybe I did, but the self-imposed limit meant I dropped one I didn't want to drop. But I stayed within my limit.

Help me. Please.

If you're not listed, list yourself. Submit a TrackBack to the post. I've modified the template so that TrackBack links show on the main page. Readers can now get to your post direct from the Home Page.

If you don't know how to leave a TrackBack, leave a comment with the URL to your post. And, if you e-mail me, I'll try to help with using the TrackBack forms that are available.

One other thing.

If you submit a TrackBack, be so kind as to return a link to the my post. Maybe your readers will like one of the others on that menu, or in the TrackBack post listing.

Thanks for your trouble and your understanding.


  1. Diet? You should just eat more meals: breakfast, brunch, lunch, high tea, dinner, supper and midnight snack!

  2. But if you give us the ability to display our own posts meal time posts we won't be able to bitch at anyone for them not being there. You really are an evil genius aren't you?

  3. Loren:
    I'm starting to look like the guy from "Meaning of Life." We don't want that, now, do we?

  4. phin:
    I left you the option of *having* to list yourselves, didn't I? Think about that: You get listed, and you can still bitch about having to list yourself! Everybody wins!

    I'm eviler and geniuser than you thought! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!

  5. Ah, just wait till you start getting pseudo-spam trackbacks.

    "I increased the size of my penis by three inches. Thanks, basil!"

  6. This is pseudo-spam

    I just increased my penis size by three inches, financed my house, and hired a Puerto Rican nanny for my kids. Thanks, basil!

  7. Ha! I'm too small a blog for that! See the advantage of being a nobody? Nobody knows you, nobody bothers you.

    I think I'm going to change the domain to

  8. "I increased the size of my penis to 3 inches. Thanks Basil!"

  9. Wow. I just thought that was a roll of quarters in you pocket. I guess you really were happy to see me.

  10. Why not just slpit the sites into gropus, and visit them at set times / dates?

  11. Mike:
    That's a simple, yet brilliant idea. That's the plan, then.

  12. Glad to help. Your welcome. Let me know how it goes, ok?


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