Thursday, June 16, 2005

Headline News: 6/16/2005

From ABC News:
Poll: Most Say Stars Make Poor Role Models
Michael Jackson surprised by the news

From ABC News:
Catholic Bishops Revise Sex Abuse Policy
New policy opposes sexual abuse

From ABC News:
Runaway Bride Enlists Co. on Movie Idea
Suggests Julia Roberts star, has idea for title

From ABC News:
Bush criticizes Iran election process as unfair
Says only Washington state has more unfair elections

From ABC News:
Ex-Klansman Leaves Court on Stretcher
Victims left in caskets

From ABC News:
Woman Who Aided in Sexual Assault, Deaths of Teens to Go Free
Cites Michael Jackson defense, says victim's mother was a bitch

From ABC News:
Men Can Also Offer Their Babies a Nipple
Peter Griffin's Guide To Child Care to be in bookstores next week

From ABC News:
Friends may be key to living longer
David Schwimmer's popularity finally explained

From ABC News:
Cheerleaders Disciplined for Feces Pizza
Were told to hold the anchovies

From ABC News:
Workers keep right to flirt
Flirting on the left not allowed


  1. MoeBetta Headlines 06/16/05

    MoeBetta Headlines 06/16/05

  2. Laffin Points Memo: Will Sweeney, And The Unions T

    Another old communist empire is crumbling, and the cause of it's collapse is the same old weaknesses that killed the socialist idea of Utopia: Years of broken promises and failed agendas, compounded by the unfair distribution of wealth and power Karl...

  3. Thursday

    Terriorists: Cat's Fax Hax, Cops' Axe Whax Basil's Blog: Headline News Scrappleface 1: Gettysburg Slots Casino Would Honor War Dead Scrappleface 2: Rumsfeld Promises Durbin Better Treatment at Gitmo Therapist: Fellow Dems Demand Apology After Durbin C...

  4. Headlines for Friday 6/17/2005

    And as always there is more headliney goodness to be had from The Capitalist, basi, moehawk and Moe.


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