Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Headline News: 6/21/2005

From CNN:
Roy Horn checks into rehab center
Following cat attack, addicted to pussy

From CNN:
Faked orgasms don't fool brain scans
Guys don't care

From ABC News:
ACLU Says Bush Is Restricting Science
Files suit on behalf of Victor Frankenstein

From ABC News:
Homeless Shelter Stops Serving Bear Meat
Bear put on vegitarian diet

From ABC News:
Police Kill Man With Dud Grenade at Court
ACLU sues, say police can't shoot until man explodes grenade

From ABC News:
New Format Hijacks Radio Waves
Radio waves diverted to Cuba

From ABC News:
New Security Card Could Make Flying Faster
Can be converted to high-performance jet fuel

From ABC News:
Online Satirists Seek Help From Fans
Why IMAO is a group blog

From ABC News:
Spade to Spoof Tabloid TV With New Show
CNN hires new anchor

From ABC News:
Rice tells Syria after Lebanon bomb 'Knock it off'
Condi threatens to bitch-slap Bashar Al-Assad


  1. MoeBetta Headlines 06/21/05

    MoeBetta Headlines 06/21/05

  2. Alternate expansion of headline:
    Police Kill Man With Dud Grenade at Court
    They threw it really hard at his head

  3. That's a lot better than what I had!

  4. Tuesday

    Wizbang: Senator Durbin apologizes for misunderstanding of apology Full of Crap: Carnival of the Vanities #144 Terriorists: If a Squirrel Falls in the Forest... Nickie Goomba: Durbin Does It Again Basil's Blog: Headline News Scrappleface: Durbin Decri...


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