Monday, June 20, 2005

Headline News: 6/20/2005

From ABC News:
Brain Areas Shut Off During Female Orgasm
Men's Brains Shut Off At Erection

From ABC News:
Grapefruit May Make Women Seem Younger
Cheaper than getting new melons

From ABC News:
Man Accused of Growing Pot at Grandma's
The better to mellow out with, My Dear

From ABC News:
Pushing Sex Offenders May Increase Dangers
Unless, of course, they are pushed in front of a bus

From ABC News:
Man Caught After 12 Wives, Two Dozen Aliases
D.A. won't press charges, says man has suffered enough

From ABC News:
Are We a Nation of 'Pseudo-ADD' Sufferers?
Study indicates that most Americans have trouble ... ooooh! A penny!

From ABC News:
Video Game Teaches Kids Conflict Resolution
"Columbine" available for Nintendo and Play Station

From ABC News:
Bush: Qaeda mastermind must stay in secret custody
But don't tell anyone

From ABC News:
Goss Claims He Has Idea Where Bin Laden Is
Heard he might be in Iraq, Syria, Iran or somewhere else around there

From ABC News:
After Scoffing at Rumors, Cruise Pops the Question
Cruise: "Who's a homo now?"



    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Ugh, Monday

  2. MoeBetta Headlines 06/20/05

    MoeBetta Headlines 06/20/05

  3. Headlines for Monday 6/20/2005

    And as always there is more headliney goodness to be had from The Capitalist. basil, moehawk and Moes'.


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