Here's the quick and dirty version of the list:
- The "Oh I'm So Goth I Think I Shall Off Myself. But First...Let Me Annoy You Daily with How Much I Hate Life and Love Black" Blog.
- The Fanatic
- The Inside Joke Secret Handshake Blog
- The "Ms. or Mr. Popularity" Blog
- The WAHM or SAHM Blogger (work at home mom or stay at home mom)
- The King Of Action Adventure Movie Dorks
- The Gossip Hound
- The Friday Night Fights Blog - This is the kind of blog that arguments are started on, which never
- The Keep-Up-With-Jonsie-Blog
- The Meme Mime
I started reading this and, like Harvey, I found an item a little too close for comfort. Then I kept reading, and found more and more.
Turns out, this is a Blog People Love To Hate:
- The "Oh I'm So Goth I Think I Shall Off Myself. But First...Let Me Annoy You Daily with How Much I Hate Life and Love Black" Blog.
This kind of blog is full ofbright and cheery postsdoom and gloom, and typically is mostly devoid of color (usually all black, or darn close to it). Oh, doest no one love thee? Ack. No one cares. Slit your wrists already.
Okay, this doesn't apply to me. I don't think. Yes, sometimes the humor is black, but still, this isn't me.
- The Fanatic
A blog solely devoted to a celeb or famous person(s), whether it be a movie star, a band, an athlete, a model, a porn star, you get the idea. Some of these blogs, you find you have to scroll this way and that to see the text, for all the giantness of the photo of their Adored One they've included on the site. These people are stalkers-in-waiting. If you ever hear of a stalker story in Hollywood news, or other entertainment headlines, check these blogs first. Chances are high you shall find them online, with Angelina Jolie big as life (literlly) pasted smack on the top of the page. See also "The King Of Action Adventure Movie Dorks" blog for similar sickness.
This isn't me either. I mean, yes I blog about the Catfish games. But we do more than that here. Besides, there will only be around 140 Catfish blog posts this season.
Okay, I'm not completely this, but I'm close.
- The Inside Joke Secret Handshake Blog
This is the kind of blog you read but for the life of you, cannot seem to figure out what the author is writing about, for reasons unknown to man. "The eagle has landed on The Jimmy Carter helipad and Big Momma wants an ice cream cone." Huh?
Not guilty.
- The "Ms. or Mr. Popularity" Blog
This is the kind of blog that contain posts mostly about the author's personal life, daily shenannigans, etc., not unlike other blogs, yet strangely different. How? Well first off, the readers/commenters of these kinds of blogs act like deciples of the author, whether online chums or IRL (in real life) chums, wherein they all race each other to comment on the author's recent posts (3x each), all sucking up to and doting all over the author. "You're not fat!", "You are so smart, and funny!" Get a life, people! Or get your own blog! Or at least get one that doesn't suck!
This is not me. Unless you count when I tell about things that happened to me years ago. Or stuff that happened yesterday. Okay. It's me.
- The WAHM or SAHM Blogger (work at home mom or stay at home mom)
The WAHM or SAHM blogger usually has a very pretty blog with a credit to the designer, usually Kitty The Klever Kountry Blog Artist or Claire's Site of Cute Crafty Web Designs. The blog is full of entries about the adventures of blogger's white picket fence and rusty SUV life, the cast of characters including their DD & DS (dear daughter & dear son, read: ungrateful children) and DH (dear husband, read: useless infidele) . Come on. We all know that the title means you get up every day, make breakfast for your DD, DS and DH, the latter always wishing you'd get a job already or at least lose 100 pounds, then spend the morning cleaning (10 minutes with a swiffer 1 load of laundry that will sit in the dryer for 11 hours doesn't count). Then you go to a Pampered Chef party, pick the kids up and bring them to Grandma's, after which time you willsit in front of Oprah while putzing with your crafting junk, trying to make a scrapbook that no one will ever look at. Your evenings are spent watching shitty reality TV and "Touched By An Angel" reruns, only getting up to call Domino's Pizza when hubby comes home at 8 from a *late meeting* - not.
This is definitely not me!
- The King Of Action Adventure Movie Dorks
You know the kind. The blog has quotes, clips, fan-fiction (where people with no lives of their own write stories that continue a movie beyond the end that us real people know and accept), and stupid contests like "Whoever posts the 2000th comment will win my extra X-box controller that I can't take back cause I lost the receipt". The musings of these blogs are typically about such movies as Star Wars, Matrix, Lord of The Rings, and Monty Python's The Holy Grail. You read that last one right. I fart in their general direction.
I only try to include about a dozen a week. So, I might not be the "king" of this, but I'm guilty, nonetheless.
- The Gossip Hound
"Jeff broke up with Sarah and he said the reason was because he heard her on her cell the other day in the hall with this other guy who is Sarah's cousin's football coach's son and then Brian told Carrie that he thinks Chris is gay. No one told me that! Chris must be gay, he's always singing Madonna songs and wearing a mini back pack like a girl would. Can you believe it?" No, I CAN'T believe IT! Tell me something INTERESTING, your blog sucks.
Now I can safely say that I'm not a Gossip Hound.
- The Friday Night Fights Blog
This is the kind of blog that arguments are started on, which never seem to end. Many of these blogs are hosted at DiaryLand or LiveJournal (ack...dont' get me started!). Lots of times the fights stem around plaigerism or "Who copied my idea of having blue flowers on their blog?". The author usually has a nice looking site and claimes to be a 'designer' though the only thing they've ever designed was 10 Blogskins. No one ever tells them that slapping up some blogging code in a different fashion and deciding to use blue flowers on their site maketh one a designer. But if you tell them they will scream and holler and try to pick a fight. Typically the author will put things in his/her sidebar like "Rules - Read them or leave", "My E-mail - Don't SPAM me, sucka", and "Don't steal my source code or I'll ban your IP. Then I'll tell all my friends so they can ban your IP, too." The author either has no life or it's boring for them so they get their kicks from yelling at, shaming, and generally bullying people via their little corner of the internet. Fun.
Again, I think I'm not one of these. Closest thing to a troll I had was The Liberal Avenger. He's one of these. And he came here showing his ass. Sure enough, I looked and he was an ass.
Now, after saying I'm not one of these, I pick a fight with TLA. So, I qualify anyway. Darn it!
- The Keep-Up-With-Jonsie-Blog
"I'm So Cool Look At All I've Been Doing...I've rented seven new DVDs, and got married in Jamaica this last week & we honeymooned in the Keys! Yesterday I bought a new Mazda Miata convertible and went on a hot air balloon ride!" *cough*whocares*cough* This is the kind of person who, no matter what cool things you've been up to, will always conviently have been up to something cooler, just to make you feel like a schmutz. Go-go-gadget earplugs!
Again, not guilty. Unless you count me talking about climbing the Great Pyramid, going to the Grand Canyon, visiting Niagara Falls ... you get the idea. So, I change my plea to guilty.
- The Meme Mime
This to me, is the top most annoying blog, because the author doesn't even write anything original of their own, but simply fills the entire blog with test and quiz results, lists of all kinds and pithy answers to stupid question memes (yes, they are out there). I call them a mime because you never get a feel for the tone of the blog or a voice of any kind to indicating any hint of the real person behind the blog. Hey, if your blog exists solely for the purpose of constantly answering to someone else, then it's time to rethink whether you should be blogging.
Again, not guilty. Except for all the Meme's and quizzes and such I've done and posted. So, make that guilty.Now, let's see how I did. It looks like
So, while any one of these is enough to make you hate a blog, having six must be a huge crime.
And I have a question. A serious question: What annoys you most about this little blog?
I'm grown. I can take it.
No one has really said anything (yet) about this blog that annoys them. I'm serious with the question. What things annoy you most about this little blog? And, while we're at it let me expand the question. What things annoy you most about blogs (this one or blogs in general)?
Now, I'm not looking for a blog trashfest. Just in general, what annoys you about blogs, or certain types of blogs. Of course, if you want to be specific, go ahead. They should have thought of that before they started a blog. :)
The smell, mostly :-)
ReplyDeleteI don't do any sucking up, do I?
ReplyDeleteI don't suck up enough. You're not fat, basil, and you are very smart and funny! Now gimme your spare X-Box whatchamacallit.
ReplyDeleteWhen I figure out what I hate about your blog darling, I'll let you know. But until then, you're my hero ;) I don't think any of those are me either, thankfully -- at least I hope not!
ReplyDeleteBeing guilty of those things as well, I'd say what I hate most about your blog is . . . that I'm not as talented as you! *successfully kisses basil's behind*
ReplyDeleteGeeze, I'm a SAHM so I can't say too much. Though I was wondering were that smell was coming from... Is that why your background is dark? ;-)
ReplyDeleteI bow to Bobos' brown nosingness. I thought I was good, but I now know I am not. She's too good.
ReplyDeleteShe kisses your tuchus, and don't even ask that ya shave it first. HA! :D
Ok, I am ashamed to admit beejay from the Day Lee Misadventures is a fellow Minnesotan. Good God, I hope bad blogging isn't contagious. What annoys me most about your blog? That I can't claim YOU as a neighbor (how was that for sucking up?)
ReplyDeleteBlogs you love to hate - A Better List
ReplyDeleteSomeone has posted a list of blogs she thinks people love to hate, and for some reason this list has grabbed the attention of Basil and Harvey. So I had to read her post, and then the rest of her blog (well at least a few additional posts anyways), jus...
I just want to know where I can get some minions to comment nicely on my blog and suck up, instead of telling me how much I suck and how wrong I am all the any to spare basil? ;)
ReplyDeleteBoy howdy! I am all prepared to get my butt handed to me by asking what annoys you about the blog ... and then everyone's nice to me. Well, except for Harvey, of course. :)
ReplyDeleteBut I'm all set for an ass-kicking ... and everyone has nice things to say. Sure, some of the nice things are said in jest. But I'll accept them anyway.
Seriously, thanks.
And notice the update to the question.
no we aren't being nice, we are just proving that this blog is in the number 7 category. sorry to have misled you :)
ReplyDelete> Sure, some of the nice things are said in jest. But I'll accept them anyway.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I picked up on that. But I'm serious about what else is annoying about this blog. For instance, do any of the items I said were not applicable to this little job actually apply, but I'm to dense to see it? Or, if not, are there other things about this blog (not in the list) that are just so annoying?
Holly went so far as to post her own list, but didn't explicitly say that any applied to this little blog.
So, what else irriates you about this little blog?
Let's see. What annoys me most would me a choice among multiple annoyances. Since there is only one I guess it will have to do.
ReplyDeleteOccasionally basil allows a tinge of insecurity to show and asks to be mass validated. Not a bad thing necessarily. But I have to wonder; can you really get constructive criticism from a bunch of people who are devoted fans? I don't read blogs that annoy me so I wouldn't comment to the owner about what annoys me. Perhaps a different tact of "What do you like best and What do you like least about my blog" might address content concerns
Let's see. What annoys me most would mean a choice among multiple annoyances. Since there is only one I guess it will have to do.
ReplyDeleteOccasionally basil allows a tinge of insecurity to show and asks to be mass validated. Not a bad thing necessarily. But I have to wonder; can you really get constructive criticism from a bunch of people who are devoted fans? I don't read blogs that annoy me so I wouldn't comment to the owner about what annoys me. Perhaps a different tact of "What do you like best and What do you like least about my blog" might address content concerns
Okay sorry about the double post. I SWEAR I hit preview the first time!
ReplyDeleteFair enough criticism. And fair enough re-wording of the question.
ReplyDeleteDon't however, think that I want *one* item. My wording implied "give the thing that annoys most" when my meaning was "tell me the things that annoy you" with "the most" intended to prioritize them.
My point was I could only come up with one item! Least, most, all, the total was still 1.
ReplyDeleteI missed that. So now you can add #2: Bloggers who are dumbasses.
ReplyDelete#4 isn't you? When did you lose the 100 pounds?
ReplyDeleteOr maybe I meant #6: WAHM, SAHM...
ReplyDeleteOk, it wasn't 100 pounds... just 5... ;-) And I don't watch Oprah nor 1/2 the other things listed... but I am a Stay At Home Mom blogger. GRIN. And I do brownnose over here because I really enjoy your blog. Personally, I wouldn't change it unless there is something that you want to change.
ReplyDeleteNo Basil, none of the items on my *new & improved* list apply to you. At least you were in mind when I made the list. How about this...a few things that I like about your blog that you do well and I've seen others fail miserably at. (And BTW, I see nothing wrong with asking for feedback...if you were writing just for yourself and didn't care what anyone else thought you'd have a notebook and pen right?)
ReplyDeleteok...yours is the only blog besides the mudville gazette that I look forward to reading for the links to other great posts on the blogosphere. Why do I like yours? Because you are consistant in posting and the posts you choose are usually good ones.
Next thing I are consistantly entertaining and humorous. It's hard to picture you writing your blog while in a bad mood. It's a happy place! lol.
The mood at your blog is friendly, and I don't mean the comments sections (although everyone in them seems to be), I mean the attitude of allowing trackbacks and just your posting style.
What I don't like? This shade of green...but I can live with that. It's your blog!
In all seriousness, basil, I find nothing bad or negative about your blog. I like how it's set up, and organized, and the content and commenters.
ReplyDeleteOnly "negative" thing I can say, is that seeing Cousin Red playing Strip Twister made me regurgitate about $10 worth of pot roast. Aside from that, no complaints. :)
honestly, I don't get annoyed with blogs I don't like... I just don't go and visit them again.
ReplyDeleteEvery blog has a purpose to that blogger and if I don't like it, I am no tgoing to call them annoying. why bother. I just show my displeasure by not coming back. (hey wait then why am I still here... Just Kidding)
on the upside, basil you have a very unique place here and I like that about it.and you do a good job of helping newbie bloggers get the word out about thier site, like you did for me.
keep up what you do.