Saturday, June 25, 2005

Feisty Republican Whore

The latest star in the blogosphere may very well be Feisty Republican Whore, who burst onto the scene this week and is gathering some attention.

She has written about medical marijuana, Karl Rove, blogging naked, and her breasts, among other topics.

Part of the attention is speculation over who she is. She brought that topic up in a post she wrote Friday, after The Jawa Report sent readers her way. And, based on what she wrote, many people e-mailed her speculating who or what she was. Dr. Rusty Shackleford touched on that, wondering if it could be another "Libertarian Girl" type of hoax.

And one more thing: I've gathered from e-mails with her that some have e-mailed her asking if she was me. ME??

Why would people ask such a question? You think maybe it's because I did some fake blogs pretending to be others:

I have also written as other characters:

  • Cousin Red, who writes the White Trash Wednesday posts here.

  • Evil Glenn ® on It'sAPundit.

  • Jamie Lynn!! on It'sAPundit.

But, in each of those blogs, I said from the outset that it was me. And each was introduced from this little blog. As for the writers, I thought it was obvious that Cousin Red and Evil Glenn — were me. And I admitted to being Jamie Lynn!! from the get-go, though some people have trouble grasping that.

But I have never started a blog and not owned up from the outset.

Until now.

Yes, I'm Feisty Republican Whore. I admit it.


Oh, alright then. The truth.

No, it's not really me. Really. Honestly, it's not me. Cross my heart.

First, I'm not feisty. I'm sassy, but not feisty.

Second, I'm not a Republican. I'm not a member of any political party. And my father, to my everlasting shame, is a Democrat. I remember when it wasn't shameful. Barely.

Third, I'm not a whore. Unless you call me a link-whore. I'll admit to that. But that's as far as I'll go.

So, being serious now, I am not ... I repeat NOT ... Feisty Republican Whore.

But I wish I was.


  1. Thanks for letting me know about another great blog to add to my blogroll! Fiesty Republican it!

  2. This one ought to garner some attention. I hope she's ready for it.

  3. The legs are spread...the foreplay has been done...I'm ready, baby, for whatever comes next.


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