Sunday, June 26, 2005

Brunch: 6/26/2005

Try one of these specials with your weekend brunch:


  1. Sneaky bastard. You know what I mean, you naughty Southern grit, you.

  2. Billy Graham Endorses Hillary

    The esteemed Evangelist Billy Graham says his "wonderful friend" Hillary Clinton, should "run the country". Lordy, Lordy, what's a happenin'?

  3. Me? Whatever do you mean? :)

  4. We Have Become Whiners & Wimps

    I have been reading and hearing too much about questionable victory in Iraq and similar sentiments. "Intellectual vacancy" is too kind a term to use here. We are not all whiners, but too many of us are. Want to know what victory looks like? Read on. I'...

  5. Tent City

    ?I will not make a flower. I will make a tent city,? he said in his raspy voice, firmly but not defiantly, if such a thing is possible for a preschooler. All around him, the other four-year-olds had happily complied with the instructions to create flow...

  6. Basil,

    I was looking, last night, for some place to trackback to, and I had thought of this site. I had tried to participate in 'The Carnival of the Trackbacks,' but that presented a problem; perhaps it's fixed now. I came here, and I find that as I am having brunch (a birthday brunch, in fact), you are as well. This is the first time, I think, that I've partaken. Thank you for your hospitality.

  7. Thanks for the TrackBack and link!


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