Monday, June 13, 2005

Lunch: 6/13/2005

Try one of these specials with your lunch:

  • phin is back. And has a story to tell.

  • Kirsten is back. And also had a better than I did.

  • Chris has a special day today.

  • Acidman looks at Frisco logic.

  • GOP and the City reports the City's Olympic dream isn't dead yet. And has a suggestion.

  • Cary shares the day he and Lori got the bad news.

  • ScrappleFace says Rummy knows what to do with Gitmo.


  1. Bin Laden in Iran?

    According to a new book by investigative reporter Kenneth R. Timmerman, Osama bin Laden is in Iran where he is receiving medical treatment and plotting new terrorist attacks on the US. Now, I am normally rather skeptical of claims such as this. But, ...

  2. Basil...justed wanted to say thanks for noticing us : )


  3. Cary:
    Getting news like that is something that only someone in that position could truly understand the impact. But, your post has conveyed much of what y'all must be dealing with.

    I hope some people see it and understand how much help is needed in the fight against cancer and how important early detection is in combatting it.

  4. It Is Well With My Soul

    I had a hard day yesterday. I received a pillow case signed by several of the unit families during a recent pool party, and great book on VE Day (Victory in Europe, WWII) and the cards from Mrs. Dadmanly and Little Manly, and I was very sad.

  5. It Is Well With My Soul

    I had a hard day yesterday. I received a pillow case signed by several of the unit families during a recent pool party, and great book on VE Day (Victory in Europe, WWII) and the cards from Mrs. Dadmanly and Little Manly, and I was very sad.


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