Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Breakfast: 7/12/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Of course, we'd need to make a new branch of the military ... any suggestions?

  2. Breakfast with the President

    One of the reasons I get up so early here at bRight & Early is to fire up the Short-range Covert Oratory Truth Usurpation System, or SCOTUS. Made of parts from a 60’s era Motorola transistor radio, my Grandmother’s Dumont television, ...

  3. Steel:
    I could go for the cheap joke and say "The Pink Berets" but I won't. Nor till I suggest the "Hippy Brigade" or anything of the sort. I'm above that kind of stuff.

  4. Tageteers? Bullseyes? T.H.C.S. ... the human carnage shields.

  5. That's a lot better than what I had.

  6. Friar of Leather Couches

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Kerry-180 Tuesday

  7. Caption This! [Oh, Thank Heaven for 7/11 Edition]

    Announcing the first ever Right Place photo caption contest! This photo from AFP via Yahoo! just cries out for the caption treatment, so let's give it what it deserves!...

  8. Again, thank you Basil. My goodness, NIF sure sent a lot of trackbacks.

  9. Jay:
    You're welcome.

    Yeah, NIF has loaded us down. But there is an issue with some TypePad and some Movable Type sites (including this one) not properly responding when TrackBack pings are accepted. So, when additions are made to posts, such as TJ does throughout the day, things like this happen. I'm cleaning them up.

  10. Caption This! Winners [7/11]

    Announcing the winners of the first ever Right Place Photo Caption Contest!


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