Sunday, April 3, 2005

Headline News: 4/3/2005

From ABC News:
Jackson's Peter Pan Image Slipping Away
At least the Pan part

From ABC News:
Google Doubles E-Mail Space
Master plan to hook everyone, then start charging, is nearly complete

From ABC News:
Red Falls Out of Favor As Teacher's Choice
Kitty, Eric For man still popular, however

From ABC News:
Rome Braces for Flood of Pilgrims After Pope Death
Sales of black outfits, shiny buckles, saying "thee" and "thou" at all-time high

From ABC News:
World Gets First Glimpse of Pope's Body
Comment most often heard: "Sure looks natural, don't he"

From ABC News:
Charles to Wed on Friday Despite Pope's Funeral
His evil plan comes together

From ABC News:
Group Puts $100 Laptops in Poor Countries
And one day, electricity!

From ABC News:
TV News Icons Leaving at Rapid Pace
What will world do without liberal talking heads?

From ABC News:
Senate Defeats Minimum Wage Increase
Once they realized it didn't affect their pay, defeat was assured

From ABC News:
Pope Leaves Behind Struggling U.S. Church
Bush blamed


  1. great headlines! as always.

    "sure looks natural, don't he?"

    classic. that one should be in the "best of basil" collection

  2. I'm seeing red over what color ink should be used to grade papers. Oh! The inhumanity towards self-esteem.

  3. Seeing Red

    Okay, common sense is now officially a reason to disqualify someone from working in public education. Basil's Sunday Brunch Headline News points to this ABC News gem. often found their work covered in red, the color that teachers long...

  4. moehawk:
    Thanks. I couldn't wait until White Trash Wednesday for that one.

  5. Cranky:
    I'm thinking if they used the glittery, sparkly silver/gold combo Sharpies, then an F would be a pleasing thing.

  6. that's a big part of why our education system is failing. we're too afraid of damaging the students' fragile eggshell minds by telling them that the answer was incorrect in a color that might be frightening to them.
    and in the end, Bush will be blamed.


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