Monday, June 6, 2005

Catfish: Rain, Rain

Go Catfish! The Catfish were rained out tonight. The game against the Asheville Tourists (Rockies) was called off because of unplayable playing conditions. That means it rained and they couldn't get the field ready in time.

I got to see the players before they left, and they were happy to be leaving a day early. When they get to Greensboro to face the Grasshoppers (Marlins), they'll have a chance to get some rest before tomorrow night's game.

Oh, the cancellation means that they win the series, two games to one. They have won 4 series in a row, and split the series before that. Although they've offically been eliminated from the first half title race, they are playing championship ball right now.

We won't get to see another game in person until Thursday the 16th when the Rome Braves come to town.

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