Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Headline News: 6/1/2005

From ABC News:
Happy 'Leave the Office Earlier Day'
NOW you tell me!

From ABC News:
Closing Arguments Key to Victory in Jackson Trial
Actual guilt or innocence has no bearing on outcome, just like with O.J.

From ABC News:
For Now, Ore. Ex-Prostitutes Can't Teach
Oh, I bet they could

From ABC News:
49ers Training Video Used Racist Jokes
Spokesman: "I told you them people can't take a joke."

From ABC News:
Rumsfeld, Amnesty trade barbs over prisoner abuse
If it comes to blows, the smart money is on Rumsfeld

From ABC News:
Deep Throat takes fire -- a hero or a snake?
As number two man in FBI, had power to direct Watergate investigation, but ran crying like a little girl to newspaper instead. You decide.

From ABC News:
Annan Fires Staffer in Oil-For-Food Case
Bush blamed

From ABC News:
Wolfowitz Pledges to Change Africa
Will need a really, really huge set of Pampers. And a boatload of Johnson's Baby Powder.

From ABC News:
Condom Ads Hit Network TV
Will air on the WB, be seen by one-third the number that saw same commercial on FX

From ABC News:
Soldiers Tell War Stories in Rap Album
Finally, a rapper who has popped a cap in someone's ass and that the kids can look up to


  1. Count of Sleeping With The Teacher

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Wictory Wednesday; and how many times am I going to end up trackbacking (trackingback?) to you today??

  2. Wednesday

    Right Hand of God: RHOG Votes No to EU Constitution Full of Crap: Let's Ask the Cats About Glenn Reynolds Trying to Get Rid of His Cats Basil's Blog: Headline News Widgerson Library & Pub: Want to give the...


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