This week saw terrorism raise it's ugly head in London killing more than 50 people, wounding over 700.That could be, depending on your point of view, a leading question. The part of the question "based on the attack" could be construed in such a way to limit focus to just the attack. But, the War on Terror can't be limited. So, whether or not that was the intent, it will not be a limit here.
Based on this recent you feel that we're winning, losing, or holding our own in fighting the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT)?
The terrorists attacked London because they could. They've attacked other countries and in some cases, got little attention, in some cases got lots of attention. They impacted an election in Spain. They very well may have impacted the election in the U.S. in a way they did not intend. They certainly didn't want George Bush re-elected. The fact the terrorists ... and the appeasers of terrorists ... preferred Kerry says a lot about what's left of the once-great Democratic Party.
We are winning the War on Terror, because the terrorists are making desperate moves. Their attacks are on the civilians. When your targets are civilians, that means your attempts to attack the military have not succeeded. They are trying to instill fear in those they oppose. And when your only weapon is fear, your arsenal is ineffective. Oh, sure, some will cut and run. History has always had people that can't stomach a war that is forced upon them. A lot of those people don't exist any longer. But, most Americans, real Americans, won't run from this fight. Just like most Britons, real Britons, won't run from this fight.
We're winning the War on Terror, because we cannot afford to lose it. We didn't ask for this war. We didn't want this war. We don't want to have to fight this or any war. But it was brought to our shores. And we will fight this war. And we will win it.
Many on the left don't want this war, either. However, those like Galloway and Dean, who refuse to support the War on Terror, may not realize how much their opposition to this war hurts our cause. Can it be that they really don't want to fight it? I find it hard to believe that they think if they don't fight it today, that it will never have to be fought. They can't be that stupid, can they?Perhaps they really understand the war must be fought, but that they want to oppose Blair and Bush so much that they are willing to risk your life and my life by encouraging the terrorists. They can't be that evil, can they?We are winning the War on Terror. We just need to realize that we're fighting more than just crazies in the desert. Some crazies sit in Parliament and in the DNC chair.
Check your title, basil. I think ya mighta made a boo-boo with the letters.
ReplyDeleteUnless you're dyslexic like Tom Cruise, then it's KO. ;)
ReplyDeleteI assume you're thinking "HBS" is supposed to stand for "HomeSpun Bloggers" and should be "HSB." Actually, it's "Homespun Blogger Symposium." Yes, it looks funny to me, too.
I use initials for White Trash Wednesday (WTW) and for Alliance Precision Guided Humor (PGH) posts. Since I'm using a Homespun Blogger logo, I may just drop the initial from the title.
Maybe we can get an official White Trash Wednesday logo? I've seen the red thingy that some use. If that's the official logo, I'll start using it. If not, if someone will declare it the official logo, I'll start using it.
Then to get a PGH logo...
Yes, that was my assumption. Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't aware of HBS. I know HSB, cause I ain't a dumb SOB completely, ya know. ;)
ReplyDeleteA WTW logo would be cool. I've made only one WTW post on my blog, but I love the whole thing. Only problem is, I can't guarantee I can post on a Wednesday. Though everyday of my life is a WTW..heh
Lemme know if ya come up with a logo. I'm thinking a beer bottle and a Confederate flag, or maybe a busted trailer axle and a Greenbax Stamps book. :)
What's the red thingy you're talking about for WTW? I'm not sure I've seen it, yet.
ReplyDeleteAs for the red WTW "logo," Beth, Sadie, and a few others use it. I'm thinking I'm going to go with that.
I am sure that the terrorist appeasers and ass kissers want desperately to believe the terrorists are winning. The fact of the matter is that they are losing and quite badly. The move to attacking civilians, both around the world and in Iraq, is an indicator of how desperate these scum are becoming. Already we see reports, though not in the old media, of "red on red" fighting in Iraq. The resorting to killing civilians by al Qaeda in Iraq is not sitting well with the former Saddam loyalists. In Kuwait, mullahs trying to rally the "faithful" against the US, were drowned out by Kuwaiti's who were chanting for Allah to make America stronger.
ReplyDeleteOur British cousins are far more stoic than their Spanish counterparts. They have been, after all, dealing with terrorism for more then 30 years now.
There will be set backs, as there are in any war. We continue to live in free societies and therefore we are vunerable to this type of attack. Those like Galloway and Dean do play into the hands of these thugs. As I pointed out in my blog post, these miscreants a very media savvy and have done well in manipulating the media.
This will not be an easy or short struggle. Mistakes will be made and there will be setbacks. In the end, provided we keep the steel in our backbones, we will win. - Sailor
ReplyDeleteWell said. Thanks!
HBS #XXVIII : Winning the war on terror
ReplyDeleteI've been slack when it comes to participation in the Homespun Blogger Symposiums. July 8th's question: This week saw terrorism raise it's ugly head in London killing more than 50 people, wounding over 700. Based on this recent you...