Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Breakfast: 8/17/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:

  • phin shares why a visit to the dentist makes him smile. Sometimes too much.

  • Vince Aut Morire goes orange.

  • Beth (MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) has a wrap-up of good stuff.

  • aTypicalJoe says the people voted, now let the leaders do what they were elected to do.

  • NIF. 'Nuff said?


  1. Kelo Case Reaches A New Low

    I didn't know what category to put this in, so I put it under "rants", because it's just unbelievable.

    The Fairfield County Weekly reports that now, not only is the city of New London kicking out the families who wanted to stay, but they are now plan

  2. 08/17/05: Platforms

    It is much safer to be against something than to be for anything....

  3. Cheedevil in Texas

    Of course I?m getting my morning dose of Fox News and they are talking about the constitution in Iraq and then switch to Cindy Sheehan in Texas. The leftist pundit they bring on, this really nice looking guy who when he opens is mouth spews the leftist...

  4. Cheedevil in Texas

    Of course I?m getting my morning dose of Fox News and they are talking about the constitution in Iraq and then switch to Cindy Sheehan in Texas. The leftist pundit they bring on, this really nice looking guy who when he opens is mouth spews the leftist...

  5. The Iranian War

    Iran has declared war on Iraq, the US, and Britain even if no one wants to admit it. Sadr’s rebellion was financed by Iran. Spies have been caught and confessed on videotape. Arms have been stopped at the border including timers, detonators, and ...

  6. So, Whad'I Miss?

    Basil's Blog is always good for a nice meal.

  7. So, Whad'I Miss?

    Basil's Blog is always good for a nice meal.

  8. Embezzlement? We Ain't Got No Stinkin' Embezzlement

    Radio host Al Franken recently proclaimed the topic of Air America Radio's alleged theft of $875,000 from the Gloria Wise Boys Girls Club as boring. He then went on to dismiss the calls for an investigation into former AAR chairman

  9. Crime Pays

    Meet Mark Allen Harris. Child killer. Niece raper. Jail escapee. And now, thanks to a West Virginia jury, soon to be the recipient of $50,000.

  10. Radioactive LibertyAugust 17, 2005 at 8:43 AM

    Cindy Sheehan is Angry

    Later, the President looked out the window, making silly faces and blowing raspberries at Mrs. Sheehan. This escalated into a war of words. He was noted to have said

  11. Global Winter is Near

    Quick call PETA, or maybe the ACLU. Get Cindy Sheehan to rally the lefties to leave Texas and go to Little Rock to save Gaia’s airy dare. The reason for this is to be found in a report in the Las Vegas Sun:
    Today: August 16, 2005 at 7:8:37 PD...

  12. Global Winter is Near

    Quick call PETA, or maybe the ACLU. Get Cindy Sheehan to rally the lefties to leave Texas and go to Little Rock to save Gaia’s airy dare. The reason for this is to be found in a report in the Las Vegas Sun:
    Today: August 16, 2005 at 7:8:37 PD...

  13. A Moral Nuclear Weapon?

    Mark Frauenfelder posts at Boing Boing - profile of neutron bomb inventor. He links to a Charles Platt piece (pdf, txt or PDB) on Sam Cohen, the inventor of a nuclear weapon he considered 'the most moral weapon". Platt's piece is thought provoking, not...

  14. The Kelo vs. New London Case Goes From Being an In

    The name "Kelo vs. New London" should be seared into your memory as an example of Lib/Leftist tyranny, the kind I used to hate when I was a liberal (in the Classical Sense). Tyranny was tyranny, whether rightwing or leftwing. Well, it has gotten wors...


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