Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Lunch: 8/23/2005

Try one of these specials with your lunch:


  1. Do God and Science Mix? Scientists Speak Up

    I picked up a free copy of The New York Times this morning at my hotel and what should I see on the front page, ABOVE the fold? An excellent and well-balanced article by Cornelia Dean titled “Scientists Speak Up on Mix of God and Science.”...

  2. Do God and Science Mix? Scientists Speak Up

    I picked up a free copy of The New York Times this morning at my hotel and what should I see on the front page, ABOVE the fold? An excellent and well-balanced article by Cornelia Dean titled “Scientists Speak Up on Mix of God and Science.”...

  3. Experimental Blogging: Experiment # 6

    ...Then I sat naked on the couch for the next four hours with my tactical shotgun in my mouth, soaking with the guilt of what I had done...

  4. Experimental Blogging: Experiment # 6

    ...Then I sat naked on the couch for the next four hours with my tactical shotgun in my mouth, soaking with the guilt of what I had done...

  5. Palm Beach County Knucklehead of the Day

    Our local winner is Palm Beach County Commissioner Adele Greene. She gets the local award for her recent comments regarding the shooting of Jerrod Miller and the Grand Jury decision to not charge Delray Beach Police Officer Darren Cogoni in the death.

  6. ACLU Vs. National Security

    From 9-11 to the present day, the ACLU has vigorously opposed every governmental attempt to more effectively protect the American people’s security. It sued, for example, to prevent the implementation of the Aviation and Transportation Security...

  7. A Eulogy for Lincoln (Part Two)

    When last I wrote, in my mind I was standing on the edge of a moment in history, sharing in the grief of mournful passing of the Lincoln sepulcher upon its rail-borne hearse. Thinking, rolling over in my mind the shock of the Great Man, taken so quickl...

  8. Hoo Haa Tuesday

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Hoo Haa Tuesday (and what about that 180, Kerry?)


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