Thursday, August 25, 2005

Lunch: 8/25/2005

Try one of these specials with your lunch:


  1. The ACLU’s Fight for… “Freedom”?

    I saw this noble magnet on the back of a pickup the other day:

    Oddly, this sticker was placed alongside:

    I just sort of stared speechless awhile at the cynical justaposition here: America: Great. ACLU: Not so great.
    Then I got to thinking abo...

  2. The ACLU’s Fight for… “Freedom”?

    I saw this noble magnet on the back of a pickup the other day:

    Oddly, this sticker was placed alongside:

    I just sort of stared speechless awhile at the cynical justaposition here: America: Great. ACLU: Not so great.
    Then I got to thinking abo...

  3. Tennessee Waltz Mug Shots

    Ever see a politican shy away from a camera?

  4. I'm From San Francisco, And I Hate The US Military

    San Francisco's rejection of such a storied battleship is a slap in the nation's face ...

  5. Anti-War Protestors Have Nothing Better To Do

    …than harass wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Yes, I’m serious.
    Code Pink f**ktards and other idiotic anti-war groups (even Veterans For Peace, who should know better than anyone why what they’re doing is so damn disg...

  6. Grasping at Straws

    Looking for proof that it's a slow time for news here at the end of August? How about an AP Story on the fuel milage the President gets.
    Getting President Bush from here to there consumes an enormous amount of fuel, whether he's aboard Air Force One...

  7. Robertson To Handicap UN Summit

    The upcoming United Nations Summit in New York City is expected to be the largest gathering of world leaders in recent history. Dignitaries ranging from British Prime Minister Tony Blair to Russian President Vladimir Putin to French President Jacques C...

  8. Turn off those Fortune Cookies on your browser

    Remember all of those articles from the 1990's, regarding the Clinton administration transferring US computer technology to China?

  9. Let's get it on!

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Stop the ACLU Thursday

  10. Sheehan’s Mother Demands Meeting With Her Daughter

    On the edge of the Sheehan encampment, a new protest is forming that threatens to overshadow the media frenzy that has broken out around the return to Crawford of war-protestor/ grieving mother Cindy Sheehan.


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