Thursday, August 25, 2005

Breakfast: 8/25/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. On the Sunny Side of the Street

    Hat Tip for Linda Eddy image:
    With the Presidential Press Corps stuck in Crawford, TX, for the duraton of the August Beltway shutdown, what is the anti-Bush, Hate America First crowd to do? They invented a second coming of Cindy Sheeha...

  2. On the Sunny Side of the Street

    Hat Tip for Linda Eddy image:
    With the Presidential Press Corps stuck in Crawford, TX, for the duraton of the August Beltway shutdown, what is the anti-Bush, Hate America First crowd to do? They invented a second coming of Cindy Sheeha...

  3. A Chain Mail from B-Cack

    I’m not sure how old this is but I think with Hanoi Jane’s vegetable bus tour looming, it is still relevant.

  4. A Chain Mail from B-Cack

    I’m not sure how old this is but I think with Hanoi Jane’s vegetable bus tour looming, it is still relevant.

  5. The first ever reverse blogswarm!

    Fellow bloggers of the blogosphere who have had to hit the snooze button on their 15 minute-of-fame alarm clocks more than once take note! She's going back to Crawford, and I don't want to hear one thing more about her. I am calling for the first eve...

  6. More Media Spin

    Were you dismayed by a recent report in the NY Times that the military was still working at this late date to replace current body armor that leaves soldiers vulnerable?It turns out, not to worry. This was a classic example of...

  7. The Worst Reason To Become a Citizen

    Margot Kidder, known as Lois Lane in the Superman movies opposite Christopher Reeve, has become a U.S. citizen. Why? Just so she can protest the war in Iraq without being deported.
    I ask you, what kind of shit is that?! She’s lived in the ...

  8. Katrina Blogging

    I've decided to do regular updates on the tropical storm and its path towards Florida. That's till it either passes or I lose power.

  9. Let's get it on!

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Stop the ACLU Thursday


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