Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Breakfast: 8/23/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Prayer Requests for a fellow bloger

    My good friend Kobayashi Maru is going through a difficult time right now. His brother had a recurrence of his leukemia.

  2. Chuck Hagel is a Donkey

    There's a synonym in there I would wish to use, but it's still fitting, because there is a certain political party represented by this animal.

  3. Just so you know, I wasn't trying to steal any thunder there. But I didn't want to put words in your mouth. But, as long as you're okay with it...

  4. The Cavalcade Of Lunacy

    Her son made the ultimate sacrifice for what he believed in, while She damned him for it. A mother's love - ain't it wonderful?

  5. It’s Not Easy Being Right: The Michelle Malkin Attacks

    Michelle Malkin is a columnist/journalist/blogger that has a lot of, well, balls. Personally, I love her and think she’s great. The few emails I exchanged with her during the Pantano case (as well as her work in general) show her to be a very ...

  6. Hoo Haa Tuesday

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Hoo Haa Tuesday (and what about that 180, Kerry?)

  7. Iraq And Their Constitution

    Go to any newspaper website, or pick one up that is in print, turn on the news programs, or go to any liberal blog and you're bound to hear about how Iraq has somehow "blown" the consitution question. Basically because the assembly didn't vote on it but,

  8. Kerry’s 180: Aljazeera’s Useful Idiot Goes MIA (Just Like His Records)

    I was reminded by Rush Limbaugh’s July 2005 Limbaugh Letter as to just how much of a disappointment the French-looking Sen. John “F.” Kerry (D-Oblivion) is… and not just to Americans. Lest we forget:
    John Kerry announced Thur...

  9. Kerry’s 180: Aljazeera’s Useful Idiot Goes MIA (Just Like His Records)

    I was reminded by Rush Limbaugh’s July 2005 Limbaugh Letter as to just how much of a disappointment the French-looking Sen. John “F.” Kerry (D-Oblivion) is… and not just to Americans. Lest we forget:
    John Kerry announced Thur...

  10. Coming Soon, New Photos From Abu Ghraib!

    That gives me pause to wonder….when they hear of a Koran that may have been flushed they riot and kill people…..when we see a video of one of our countrymen being held down and having his head sawed off while he is alive we cry out for Ju...


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