Saturday, August 27, 2005

Brunch: 8/27/2005

Try one of these specials with your brunch:


  1. Twilight For Russia

    Apparently there are more abortions than births in Russia, as reported by
    About 1.6 million women had an abortion last year, a fifth of them under the age of 18, and about 1.5 million gave birth, said Vladimir Kulakov, vice president of...

  2. Twilight For Russia

    Apparently there are more abortions than births in Russia, as reported by
    About 1.6 million women had an abortion last year, a fifth of them under the age of 18, and about 1.5 million gave birth, said Vladimir Kulakov, vice president of...

  3. Man Walks Off Without Paying For His Leg

    You cannot make this up.

  4. Bob Hope Zombies

    Would you believe that the film "The Ghost Breakers", debuted in 1940? That was before I was even born! How was it that the land of Hollywood was erudite back then? Since most people have never seen the film from so long ago, here is a clip of the la...

  5. Mutual Insanity

    Al Sharpton and neo-Nazis. Together. If they ever stop talking about thier mutual hatred of President Bush and Jews they'll kill each other.

  6. TNOYF Becomes First Blog To Get Liquor License

    We have received literally thousands* of responses to our article yesterday regarding The Nose On Your Face's 6 month 2 week and 1 day anniversary. The most asked question has been regarding the quote from anonymous U.S. Senator Ted K.

  7. TNOYF Becomes First Blog To Get Liquor License

    We have received literally thousands* of responses to our article yesterday regarding The Nose On Your Face's 6 month 2 week and 1 day anniversary. The most asked question has been regarding the quote from anonymous U.S. Senator Ted K.

  8. Direct from Iraq - The Positive News...All On One Site Each Week!!

    Ok, I think this is pretty cool. Beyond that - it's awesome! Do you want to know the good news, the positive news about our troops? Sick of wading through endless publications just to find one article that tells you about our troops heroic efforts, the...

  9. Direct from Iraq - The Positive News...All On One Site Each Week!!

    Ok, I think this is pretty cool. Beyond that - it's awesome! Do you want to know the good news, the positive news about our troops? Sick of wading through endless publications just to find one article that tells you about our troops heroic efforts, the...

  10. weekend buffet

    If you have an appetizer you would like to share with Cafe patrons, just link to this post and send a trackback. If you are unable to send trackbacks, then use Simpletracks. Your contribution will be included here for all...


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