Thursday, August 4, 2005

Summer Rerun: I'll Take Those Links!

Updated from the original.

Every now and then, something happens and a blogger has a hard decision to make.
  • On the one hand, he wants to provide a link to another blogger so his readers can see for themselves what he's writing about.
  • On the other thand, he does not want to give the satisfaction of a link.
I have the solution: Link to me.

It's easy. It's satisfying. And it's fun. And best of all, accomplishes nothing in the long run, so it's safe!

Here's How

Suppose you want to provide your readers with a link to It'sAPundit, but you don't want It'sAPundit to get another link. What do you do?

Easy. Instead of using use

Here's what happens. I get a link from you (I'm a link-whore) and code on my page redirects the reader to your source. Your reader gets to the page you want them to see, but the destination doesn't get a link from you.

Oh, and this works for any page on any site:

True, it really just gives this little blog more links, but hey, wouldn't you really rather link here anyway? And not to them?

Yeah, I thought so.


  1. Still by and far one of the most ingenious uses for redirection I've seen.

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    I'm a bit late to this virtual party, what can I say - I have a job that pays me the big bucks and I can't spend all day on my blog - like LaShawn. But, I am a bit...

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    Hey, y'all, Jeb here. Teach told me to stay away from the Huffington Post, but I get a hoot out of watching moonbats pretend they think normally. Now, there must be some sort of alien control of the moonbats,

  4. [...] Sully is not getting a link. I am using an old Basil trick. Sphere: Related Content If you liked my post, feel free to subscribe to my rss feeds. Don't [...]

  5. [...] Oh, no, wait, I’m not. Cause I am using an old Basil trick. [...]

  6. [...] no, wait, I’m not. Cause I am using an old Basil trick. Sphere: Related Content If you liked my post, feel free to subscribe to my rss feeds. Don't [...]


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