Sunday, July 2, 2006

Picnic 2006-07-02

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. The Passionate America Show Intro...

    Thanks to my wife for doing the sexy woman's voice. Let me know what you think......

  2. My favorite cover songs...

    "Cover songs" have a checkered history. In the 1950s, Pat Boone earned a living covering Little Richard tunes that were considered too racy. But there have been good ones. Here is a countdown of my favorites.
    20. "Hard Knock Life" by Jay Z. Rapper...

  3. Florida the rules are different here Chapter XXXI...

    Bike safety is for everyone, I wouldn't think race would be an issue in it but that's just me. Will any lessons include how to dodge elderly car drivers who want to play bumper bike with you?...

  4. Governor Jon Corzine: fiscal conservative....

    I suggested, on the old html site in February of 2005, that Jon Corzine was running for Governor of New Jersey because he wants to run for President.
    By leaving the Senate and becoming governor, Mr. Corzine solves the liberal problem in an entirely d...

  5. Murtha May Not Be as Crazy as We Thought...

    In the comment section of my article on the history of John Murtha's brain, Cliff Hancuff cites this page, which explains how Murtha was misquoted in the original article I cited. Here is the text of John Murtha's own statement......


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