Thursday, July 27, 2006

Picnic 2006-07-27

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. Bonus darling, you got the title -- first one so far ;)

  2. It surprises me that anyone missed it.

  3. Why Democrats cannot be trusted on any matter that calls into question the relative merits of various cultures...

    It’s not that the GOP is awesome or even greatly confidence inspiring, but that they can be counted on to fight in defense of Western values and society sometimes. That’s true even if they choose the wrong fights and all that. You cannot s...

  4. Hosting Blogs of Summer Awards...

    123beta is going to be hosting one of the Random Blogs of Summer Awards! I should have it operational by tonight. It will be in......

  5. Harsh...

    That knucklehead of a judge, Eileen O'Connor, is back in the news.

    When Broward Circuit Judge Eileen O'Connor sentenced a prospective juror to four months in jail last year for failing to reveal he had been arrested, her decision provoked allega ....

  6. A new regional conflict brews in the Horn of Afri...

    Somalia, which is in the horn of Africa, is on the brink of war with their neighbor, Ethopia. But, you don't hear much of that on the news because of the conflict between Israel and Lebanon.
    Somalia became independent from British rule in 1960. But,....

  7. Pride: “The Professor”...

    I was imposed upon today to attend a faculty meeting. These meeting always suck, I don’t teach (I guest lecture, but that’s a different story) and these meetings are a waste of my time (IMHO).
    Also, teachers are a weird bunch. They all th...


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