Saturday, December 2, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-12-02

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. No teeth...

    Can Florida Panther season ticket holders sue the team's management and players(excluding goalies) for lack of support or for inflicting cruel and inhuman punishment?(Cue the sarcstic laughter)...

  2. From the Silly news desk...

    Some news from Arizona. Maybe this grandmother should found a Bingo Players Annonymous if and when she gets out of jail.

    SIERRA VISTA, Ariz. - A grandmother found with a trunkful of marijuana ......

  3. Fast learners...

    Who says education system in America is failing?(Cue the sarcastic laughter)...

  4. Are You Ready For Insanity Next Week?...

    Do you want to see liberals/progressives/surrender monkeys go batsh*t? Show them this:
    Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and representatives from national pro-life groups will be holding a press conference on Capitol Hill at 1:30 p.m. on Mon...

  5. [...] Linked over at: Basil's Bloggrolling, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Assorted Babble, Church and State, Blue Star Chronicles, The Uncooperative Blogger, 123 Beta, The Bullwinkle Blog, Woman Honor Thyself, Cao's Blog, Gribbit's World [...]

  6. Coast Guard Rated as Top Job for Thrill Seekers...

    CNN, in conjunction with, rated Coast Guard search and rescue operations as the top job for thrill seekers in a recent list of high energy jobs. Other occupations making the list included FBI Special Agent and Firefighter. I really .....

  7. Use of Unmanned Drones in GWOT...

    And people thought the Coast Guard utilized very small craft.

    11/16/06 - U.S. Army Sgt. Dane Phelps launches a Raven small unmanned aerial vehicle during a joint U.S. and Iraqi cordon and search operation in the Hawijah district of Kirkuk province.....

  8. It's Media's War: "Anything for a Story"...

    MSM philosophy of 'anything for an interview' reminds me of the Mike Wallace interview with Ahmadinejad (absent the mention of Iran's journalists, jailed and imprisoned for free-speech)...


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