Friday, December 29, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-12-29

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. The Clueless Golf MSM...

    The coverage of pro golf in America- Where some of the worst hack writers and editors find work....

  2. The Knucklehead of the Year award- Academia.......

    The winner is........

  3. Florida the rules are different here Chapter 73...

    Key West will celebrate the new year with Sushi. It isn't raw fish.

    KEY WEST, Fla. - For New Year's Eve revelers on this island city, sushi doesn't mean raw fish. Instead, it refers to a drag queen who plans to bring in 2007 by being lowered ...

  4. Russell's Paradox and the Execution of Saddam Hussein...

    The judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to die within 30 days certain could have made it more interesting if he added this fillip: "And it will be on a day that you do not expect it." As to why this could be fun, a little background first. In 1966 I w...

  5. Belarus to Impose Russia Media Blackout...

    With the Russia/Belarus failure to reach an agreement on a new gas price for Minsk on Thursday; new info from the Media restrictor, himself: Lukashenko....

  6. Russia Fuel Smear, an Iranian Influence?...

    Update: Since July, Iran held plan to expand cooperation with Belarus in ALL Spheres, leaving Russia in a vice-grip, and Belarusians left to freeze! Security sanctions take on a whole different meaning!...

  7. You listed my ceiling fan post? Slow day huh?

  8. Happy New Year. I wish you well.


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