Sunday, December 10, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-12-10

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. This is tough...

    Who the heck do I give the Knucklehead for this.

    A top Air Force lawyer who served at the White House and in a senior position in Iraq turns out to have been practicing law for 23 years without a license.
    Col. Michael D. Murphy was most recentl .....

  2. Jeanne Kirkpatrick, RIP...

    The former UN ambassador who spoke against the blame-America mentality constant at the UN has passed away (H/T: Michelle Malkin and The Corner)....

  3. Lebanon and the ISG Fear Ripple...

    Syria used to be the deciding factor in the sectarian balances game. This is over, but the balances themselves are still there (Until the ISG sent a fear ripple of 1990 re-run across Lebanon.)...


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