Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Headline News 2006-12-19

From ABC News:
'Bachelor Party' Actress, Tawny Kitaen, Enters Rehab
Got her usual room

From ABC News:
Woman Tells Cop She Bought 'Bad Crack'
Throw her in bad jail
From ABC News:
How to Eat Healthy at 30,000 Feet
Have them wear shoes

From ABC News:
W.Va. Couple Marry at Live Nativity
One married a sheep, the other a camel

From ABC News:
Leader: Episcopal Church Not Splintering
Have all decided to go to hell in a handbasket

From ABC News:
Texas Lawmaker Wants to Help the Blind Hunt
Roundup of the blind expected to be complete by week's end

From ABC News:
Turkish Airport Worker Fired for Camel Sacrifice
Must use Marlboro next time

From ABC News:
One Iraqi Family Copes With Killing
Really big family

From ABC News:
Iraq War Refugees Trapped in Limbo
Ask that bar be raised

From ABC News:
Hollywood film had rare access to Roman Coliseum
Director answered 'yes' to 'Do you like gladiator movies?'


  1. "W.Va. Couple Marry at Live Nativity
    "One married a sheep, the other a camel"

    Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. I'd protest if it weren't true ...

  2. Tuesday...

    basil's blog: Headline News Cox and Forkum: Wish List Point Five: "More Troops" Bandwagoners Face Grim Possibility Of Being Proven Loudmouthed Morons Public Eye: Civil War Breaks Out in NBA, Democrats Call for US Withdrawal Right Jokester: IE7 Brow...

  3. Iraq: World resisted Peace-Keeping Efforts...

    Post Saddam removal and de-Baathification of Iraq, met with challenge against effort as it prevented full Int'l peace-keeping support. This wrought with it, the escalation of violence....


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