Saturday, December 9, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-12-09

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. Cynthia McKinney Takes a Parting Shot...

    You remember Cynthia, right? She is the Congress Critter who hit a cop and got away with it, and thinks that 9/11 was an inside job.
    In what was likely her final legislative act in Congress, outgoing Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney announced a ...

  2. Blogiversary Database Contest...


  3. Twist...

    The Bryan Dos Santos Gomes missing baby story has taken an unexpected turn.

    Baby Bryan Dos Santos Gomes, a one-month-old kidnapped at knifepoint more than a week ago in Fort Myers, was taken as retribution for his parents failing to pay human sm ......

  4. A blogger in need...

    Helen aka Aussiegirl at Ultima Thule is having some health problems. Please go over and wish Helen well plus keep her in your prayers....

  5. Regime Tools: Democracy and Hague...

    Destabilizing the US war effort in Iraq, and offering to help withdraw?
    A repressive totalitarian regime who denies human rights to their people, while demanding Freedom of Expression from the US? Now the Hague?...

  6. US Defenselink: Rumsfeld Since 2001...

    In time, the entire world will know the days and ways which prove this Great and prolific war patriot, right. Rumsfeld flies to Iraq, to bid farewell......

  7. One class act...

    Outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld bid troops in Iraq a farewell over the weekend in a surprise visit there. While there Mr. Rumsfeld said, "American forces should not quit the war until the enemy is defeated."...


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