- Malinda777 (Blah Blah Blog - The Soap Box) remembers Gerald Ford.
- c.a. Marks (Alabama Improper) shares her secrets.
- Pamela Geller Oshry (Atlas Shrugs) says the Dems are homophobes.
- Wayne (Babylonandon) says health coverage in this country isn't fair.
- cranky (Balance Sheet) is hanging around, waiting on the Saddam video.
- The Skipper (Barking Moonbat Early Warning System) says the Ethiopians know how to fight a war.
- David Pinto (Baseball Musings) doesn't want the names of the Steroid 100 released.
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Ethiopia deserves much praise for their courageous...
ReplyDeleteBill Roggio (via Hot Air) reports that Ethiopia has routed the Mogadishu....
The Twelve Days of Christmas... Thank Goodness!...
ReplyDeleteI'm still getting my Christmas cards out! But that's O.K. since Christmas actually just started....
Friends, Readers, Carnivores, Lend Me Your Ears:...
ReplyDeleteThe FDA has announced (after five whole years of research) that cloned livestock are “safe to eat.”
In a brilliant statement of the obvious, the FDA also concluded that cloned animals are “virtually indistinguishable” from ̶...
Bush Admin Saving The Polar Bears From “Global Warming”...
ReplyDeleteThe question is, is this something President Bush is pushing personally, has been involved, or just something pushed by those long term workers in the Executive Office beauracracy?
The Bush administration wants to add polar bears to the endangered spec...
U.S. Dollar: Turbulence or Calm "Shared"...
ReplyDeleteInteresting articles today: Cees Bruggeman's Five scenarios for 2007, one outcome re: the US Dollar decline assessment, effects of Globalization, and Steve Verdon points us to good news on the housing market....
Reid to miss former President Ford's funeral...
ReplyDeleteAs the nation mourns the loss of our 38th President; talk about all the low class things that have happened this past year and I must admit-the award for classless, insensitive, self-promoting ones own agenda goes to Senator Harry Reid. Reid can't b....
The AP is CountinG...
ReplyDeleteAh, yes there is the Associated Press for you.. ..oozing propaganda, aiding the enemy at every turn and now gloating over the death of our soldiers, while taking out their trusty little fingers and toes to count and compare it to the deaths on Sept.1.....
Hopefully your employer values you more than this...
ReplyDeleteIt's one thing to have businesses counting the costs of health care or other items in the budget and cutting various benefits. But this, should the story check out, goes far beyond such irritations....
Reid, Durbin to miss Ford funeral, cite Ford's "cut and run" Vietnam policy...
ReplyDelete(Senator Reid) feels strongly that Gerald Ford, when President of the United States, abandoned U.S. allies in South Vietnam when they needed us most. That's just plane wrong, and the senator stands by his principals, whatever they happen to be this we...
How much money do you make blogging?...
ReplyDeleteBecause you apparently have to be a nobody, that no one cares what you have to say, as in, no income from ads or syndication, if this FEC ruling is carried any further....
How to be publicly stupid 101...
ReplyDeleteI can imagine the amount of alcohol and blunts necessary to come up with something so shallow and at the same time, so stupid. Then again, these dorks may just be that naturally stupid with their flatulent arrogance....
Edwards Pandering For President...
ReplyDeleteYawn. I suppose since this is politics, and John Edwards, aka Breck Girl, "served" as a Senator from North Carolina, I should probably comment on his announcement that he is running for President. There really isn't all that much to say, ...
A necktie party in Iraq...
ReplyDeleteSaddam deserves to die many times over for his crimes. I only regret that he has but one life to give to pay for them. Sunday's not soon enough. Neither is Friday, but it'll have to do....
An interesting turn of events and I hate being spa...
ReplyDeleteIn a previous post I wrote on John Kerry being "stuck" by the troops in Iraq. I showed you all the below picture that was emailed me with a link to Scott Hennen's site HotTalk. Later Powerline Blog and Michelle Malkin caught on to the picture and...
Happy New Year weekend OTA open post...
ReplyDeleteAh yes, another year has come, then gone - or I should say soon to be gone. And what a year it has been from the sad events last January 2006 and the Sago Coal Miners, the NYSlime leaks, the Dubai Ports 'almost' deal, the disastrous turn of events i...
Newsflash: Saddam Receives Suspended Sentence...
ReplyDeleteSaddam has been turned over to Iraqi authories and will be receiving his suspended sentence momentarily....
Saddam will soon be dead...
ReplyDeleteWorks for me. I do have to wonder what it must feel like, in the depth of one's being, to defend such a monster. His attorneys are now court shopping....
[...] Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Don Surber, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, The Bullwinkle Blog, Jo’s Cafe, Conservative Cat, 123 Beta, Rightwing Guy, Pet’s Garden Blog, The HILL Chronicles, third world county, Wake Up America, Woman Honor Thyself, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, stikNstein… has no mercy, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox News, and bRight & Early, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. [...]
ReplyDeleteSaddam Hussein's Final Exit...
ReplyDeleteI am who I am, and I take no pleasure in the death of Saddam Hussein. Killing vermin is a job, not an art. Layla of The Hill Chronicles has the reaction of the New York Times to Saddam's death.......
What a journalism degree gets you...
ReplyDeleteThe ability to spin away a positive event by scraping the barrel looking for a negative aspect even if the reach is so far that you have to chant 3 times while dancing around chicken entrails to conjure up the negative...
Authentic footage of Saddam's Execution...
ReplyDeleteThis footage is authentic and depicts the excecution of Saddam Hussein uncensored. No more needs to be said....
Boxer Rescinds CAIR Recipient Award: Open TB Weeke...
ReplyDeleteSen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), recalled an award she had given to Sacramento activist Basim Elkarra "after learning that he serves as an official with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)....
Happy New Year...
ReplyDeleteSuch a touching tribute to all of our un-sung heroes no longer with us to share this new year....
Thursday Thirteen VI - New Years Edition...
ReplyDeleteOk. So I know that it is already Sunday. New Years Eve. But hey, it’s the holidays. I’ve been caught up in Christmas with Darling Wife, Handsome Son, and, of course, enjoying, Beautiful Daughters first Christmas with us. Enough said. This T...
(MOGS) Holy Hugh Hewitt Batman!...
ReplyDeleteHugh Hewitt takes the WSJ's Joe Rago to task in this interview. In case you forgot here is Rago's original piece. (link link link) Impressions from the interview: I was surprised to learn that Rago is so young - 23,...
ScrappleFace on Katrina and Big Government...
ReplyDeleteWe knew Scott Ott was brilliant, as his many parodies have so deftly illustrated. But this thoughtful and non-satirical post in response to an editor’s query about a Katrina parody is something everyone should read. Ott’s reply to the edi...
NY Times screws its readers...
ReplyDeleteThe so-called "paper of record" has been anything but for some time now. The extreme bias that issued forth from it's front page, turning into a defacto...
A silly mistake by CNN...
ReplyDeleteYet quite funny considering...
Can You Point Out The Mistake In This Picture...
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine if Fox had done this?
(linked to ALLAHPUNDIT)
Link Trackposted to Is It Just Me?, Perri Nelson’s Website, Mark My Words, DragonLady’s World, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Pursuing Holiness, Pet’s Garden Blog, 123 ...
[...] There are gripes aplenty in the blogosphere about the reportage on the Horn of Africa, and the conditions that prevail there. Here are some from Ogre. He seems to share the “problem with” Muslims, especially the violent variety, that most of the world has. Hat tip, Basil. From the same source, there is this highly revealing story of certain people force-feeding girls, like geese. Still, it appears that this is almost the only place in Africa where girls are fed more than boys. Still, it appears that this is almost the only place in Africa where girls are fed more than boys. In related news, Don Surber reported that there are similar habits of mental onanism among our own “elites”. Sadly, we seem to imitate their side more than they do us, at least in the habits I should like to see them imitate.Anyhow, the “forces on the ground” ignored all the atmospherics and rapidly rendered them irrelevant by winning convincingly and quickly. (Note to self, take down Iran fast - that works.) NPR headlined it ““>Somalia Gov’t Gains Ground with Ethiopia’s Help“. More Ethiopia reorting showed up the next day, and the day after that, captioned “Islamic forces flee Mogadishu; government takes over Somalia’s capital”. Since then, things have continued to go swimmingly for the Ethiopians and their allies in the U.N.-recognized Somali government. That headline read, simply, “Somali PM Islamic fighters defeated” and the good news keeps flowing in. The Ethiopians promise to be gone within a fortnight or two. Wise planning. Let the Islamists fight over the carcass known as the non-Somaliland parts of Somalia. As I recall, when aid flows stopped after Black Hawk down, violence abated too, as there was little worth fighting for. That’s the way I see it anyways! [...]