Monday, December 18, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-12-18

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. Newsweek reporter: 'Iraqis are more optimistic abo...

    Imagine that. The Iraqis are more optimistic about the future than most Americans are.

    But what do these Iraqis know? They are not smart like John Kerry or Ted Kennedy or Michael Moore, are they?...

  2. Vive la France!...

    Are we really surprised? What amazes me the most is that France has had more than it's fair share of dealings with terrorism through the years. If any nation in Europe should understand the clear and present danger presented by allowing these groups ....

  3. As Predicted in the Spam Version of Revelations...

    A lot of times, spam EMAIL is just plain stupid, but every now and then someone comes up with a brand of fraud that is truly amazing. This morning, I received an EMAIL from Alasdair Laurie. Alasdair includes in his......

  4. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Santhi Soudarajan....

  5. From the Silly news desk...

    Some news from Canada. I hope the store has a video of this robbery. It should be required viewing for would be robbers....

  6. SKorean scientist claims creating world's first fe...

    Lee Byeong-chun (center) announced the cloning of Hillary Rodham Clinton....

  7. [...] Uncharacteristically, neither Basil, nor Tinkerty Tonk, have anything to add today. I guess the world has finally forgotten the plight of the Palestinians. (There is always Mensa Barbie though, and she has compiled some great quotes.) Either that or Christmas is just too radical and subversively cool for anyone to care about the politics of Arab/Islamic “sturm und drang”, sorry, “people’s liberation struggle”, sorry, jihad. I get that.That’s the way I see it anyways!That’s the way I see it anyways!That’s the way I see it anyways!That’s the way I see it anyways! [...]

  8. There is Good News From Iraq?...

    Now, I don'tknow if MSNBC has been told or not, but perhaps someone should inform them that the word succeeded in relation to Iraq in any way, shape or form is a dirty word to some. Someone make sure they get that newsflash ok?...

  9. What happened to that Afghani Rug?...

    Grayson Gile may have completed his broader mission in Afghanistan as a member of the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force, but he returned stateside with a mission of a more personal nature....

  10. Try Harder? How about listening?...

    Governor Gregoire has decided to be an adult, and let the people decide. Danny Westneat has decided to be a child and whine that he doesn't want to have to think about it or to take a stand for what he wants because it's too hard....

  11. How Much do YOU know about the Holocaust?...

    The Holocaust was not about one sick man, Hitler... it was his dream, yes, but it took a large group of sick, sadistic people.I see Ahmadinejad gather a group of people just as sick and twisted and I worry. REMEMBER these are people that believe the .....

  12. I'm Time Magazine's Person of the Year!!!...

    At least they did make one good decision here. They decided NOT to name Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. At least they have a little sense left....

  13. Melanie Phillips: Londonistan...

    I truly had the pleasure of coming across a new website that I honestly was not aware of prior. The website simply named, Melanie Phillips, is honestly a remarkable site with excellent articles on Israel and the state of the UK et al-politics and mu.....

  14. Bush rescinds again...

    Arab student holds up an anti-US Bush poster during a demonstration in front of the US embassy in Tel Aviv. President Bush has deferred by six months the process of moving the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem....

  15. Did a highly placed Russian have Litvinenko assass...

    So maybe this was political and maybe it was personal. The "Russian figure" may have used the state apparatus to carry out a personal vendetta. No wonder Russia has promised to block the extradition of the murderer......

  16. Handicapped Parking...

    This is one of my biggest pet-peeves......

  17. Remember Our Troops at Gitmo This Christmas...

    This is a reminder via Michelle Malkin to remember our Troops at Gitmo....

  18. Polls...

    I submit to you that all politcal polls of today are indicitive of what the liberal left (read MSM) has force-fed and brainwashed the American people with......

  19. A Decisive Defeat for Ahmadinejad...

    It's just too bad that Ahmadinejad wasn't up for re-election. That's one nutcase that needs to be taken down a few pegs....

  20. John Kerry Meets Soldiers in Iraq...

    Obviously, he didn't study hard enough....

  21. Food Dhimmitoode...

    Coming to a school near you..Hal-al meat is being served to pupils in state schools without their knowledge, even if they believe the religious slaughter is cruel.

  22. GOP incompetence, the gift that keeps on giving...

    Along with other factors, it can't be denied that GOP foolishness on a number of issues helped them lose the last election. Some, who were so disgruntled with the President on immigration or the GOP's reaction to corruption, to name a few matters, ma...

  23. In prison for the holidays...

    Some news from Ohio. Not what I'd like to be doing on Christmas day.

    COLUMBUS, Ohio - Twenty-three people who took plea agreements to avoid prison time in Franklin County will get a taste of life b ......

  24. Muslim Cruises and Islamic Travel...

    I have written a number of posts insisting that if Islam took over the world it would be the end of civilized life. I've gotten a number of emails accusing me of being racist. The term is misused since I did not single out any particular race but rath...

  25. Iranian Elections: Moderate Shift...

    The only way to end the current deadlock in Iranian/US differences is by the shift of the reformers of moderation. (and other things, we won't mention here. ha)...

  26. Let's have Dhimmitude for lunch...

    Hardly surprising, yet still disturbing is a story from the UK wherein school lunch programs have had Halal meat for some time now....

  27. [...] Renaissance Blogger.Conservative Cat.Dragonlady’s World.Basil’s Blog.Jo’s Cafe.Bullwinkle Blog.Pirate’s Cove.Third World County.Blue Star Chronicles.Right Wing Guy. [...]


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