Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Headline News 2006-12-13

From ABC News:
Teacher Suspended for Painting With His Privates
Painting with sergeants still allowed

From ABC News:
Seattle Bridge a Grim Spot for Suicide Jumpers
Residents demand happier spot for suicides

From ABC News:
Weapon Makes Targets Feel Like They're Melting
Wal-Mart gun deployed

From ABC News:
'Girls Gone Wild' Founder Sentenced for Filming Girls Under 18
'Inmates Gone Wild' videos debut in January

From ABC News:
7-Foot Python Is Found in Toilet Bowl
Wife yells at husband, "I told you to flush twice!"

From ABC News:
Dinner With La. Gov. Goes $1 at Auction
Two-bit governor now eight bits

From ABC News:
Pit Bull Puppy Gnaws Off Baby's Toes
Democrats blame Bush

From ABC News:
N.J. Cops Find Beheaded Chickens, Birds
Al-Cluckda claims credit

From ABC News:
Wild Pigs Menace U.S., Whet Appetites in Europe
Dixie Chicks tour continues

From ABC News:
Kerry to Meet Soldiers, Leaders in Iraq
Part of Senator's new 'know your enemy' policy


  1. Hee haaa, eight bits. You crack me up.

  2. Thursday. Hang On: Wednesday, I Meant Wednesday...

    basil's blog: Headline News Culturetastic: The Loony Aspects of Christmas Guns'n'butter: Clinton NSA Spy List Revealed Point Five: Windows Middle East Troubleshooter Red States USA: Surrender by Any Other Name Scrappleface: Conference to Explore Wh...


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