Sunday, December 17, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-12-17

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Orange County(FL) Circuit Judge Lisa Munyon....

  2. Thank you for the link sweetie!

  3. Weekly Dolphins prediction...

    The Dolphins are playing at Buffalo this afternoon. Both teams are 6-7 and hanging on to slim playoff hopes. One team will kiss their chances goodbye with a loss this afternoon.
    Today's Post asks if Jason Taylor is the greatest Dolphin defensive ......

  4. Oh...there were changes over there? cricket cricket

  5. Yeah, NZ Bear's been tweaking things. Removed lots of links that were dead, from what I understand. Takes a while to get it all done, what with the large number of blogs involved.

    Updates to Ecosystem aren't real-time, but snapshots of time. And, while changes are underway, just like in photo snapshots, things get blurry.

    It'll all settle down soon.

  6. Sending a Little Joy!...

    Basil, sending a little Christmas Joy your way! A few last minute numbers for visitors too. :)...


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